Submission doc.: IEEE 11-15/1138r1 Month Year Filip Mestanov (Ericsson)Slide 1 To DSC or not to DSC Date: Authors:
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-15/1138r1 Month Year Filip Mestanov (Ericsson)Slide 2 Abstract This presentation ambitiously aims at reaching a conclusion on the topic of sensitivity threshold adjustment for the purpose of improving spectral efficiency in dense environments
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-15/1138r1 The SFD The Spec Framework Document -Section “5.1 Features for operation in dense environments”: This section describes features that improve overlapping BSS (OBSS) operation in dense environments. This includes features such as deferral rules and CCA levels. However, the section is still content-less; no additions have been captured. Slide 3Filip Mestanov (Ericsson) Month Year
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-15/1138r1 The DCCA/DSC Over 70 contributions on the topic The main agenda topic of the Spatial Reuse ad-hoc Achievable gains shown to vary depending on assumptions, scenario, etc. (calibration efforts on-going [1]) Slide 4Filip Mestanov (Ericsson) Month Year
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-15/1138r1 The Timeline The SFD targets finalization in January, 2016 Now would be a good time to decide whether we would like to further pursue mechanisms for sensitivity threshold adjustment in TGax Slide 5Filip Mestanov (Ericsson) Month Year
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-15/1138r1 The Straw Poll Do you agree to add to Section 5.1 of the SFD: “The amendment shall include one or more mechanisms to improve spatial reuse by allowing adjustments to one or more of the CCA-ED, CCA Signal Detect, OBSS_PD or TXPWR threshold values. The constraints on selecting threshold values are TBD.” Y/N/A: 24/0/18 Slide 6Filip Mestanov (Ericsson) Month Year
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-15/1138r1Month Year Filip Mestanov (Ericsson)Slide 7 References [1] 11-15/801r1, “DCCA/DSC Reference Simulation Results”