Paper Molas
Who does this kind of art? The Kuna Indians from the San Blas region of Panama began doing this type of art. The Kuna women create molas for many reasons, two being that they are clothing and that they can sell them for money.
Where is Panama?
Molas are created by layering and cutting away cloth to reveal different colors underneath.
Molas are usually simple shapes and almost always involve an animal of some sort as the subject.
Most designs for molas are inspired from nature Most designs for molas are inspired from nature. Subjects such as native-Panama animals (iguanas, lizards, parrots, and fish) are popular. Other subjects might include palm trees, coconuts, sea grasses, and coral reefs.
Did you know?.... In the Kuna language, “mola” means cloth, clothing, or blouse (which is a shirt).
Can you believe it? A traditional mola takes around 100 hours to complete! Do you have the patience for that??
Examples of real molas…
Mola Vest
Mola shirt
The following pictures of molas come from this website:
Animal Molas
Geometric Molas
Sealife Molas
Bird Molas
Plant Molas