Arkansas State University – Jonesboro Institutional Priority “Developing a culture of assessment to enhance institutional outcomes.” Office of Institutional Research & Assessment Dr. Kathryn Jones – Director Dr. Josie Welsh-Assistant Director of Assessment
Creating a “culture of assessment” is one of ASUJ’s stated institutional priorities from the University’s last strategic plan. The institutional priority involves implementing a flexible and comprehensive institutional assessment strategy with emphasis on academic programs and general education to improve student learning. The priority also involves developing consistent data at the institutional level to support assessment and improvement.
It is also important to note that it is a requirement of the Higher Learning Commission that ASUJ have stated learning goals and outcomes for every ASUJ undergraduate and graduate degree program and general education. The Arkansas Department of Higher Education also has similar requirements. To assist in the process of developing a campus wide culture of assessment, an Assistant Director of Assessment was hired. Also, an assessment software package was purchased (TracDat) to aid in documenting the assessment of programs and services.
Faculty can best contribute to developing an assessment culture by linking course goals to degree program goals, by clearly communicating course-level goals and outcomes to students, and by participating in senior-level assessments of our graduating students. Start with this one question…ask your colleagues, and your chair, “What ARE our degree program goals and learning outcomes or objectives?”
For those of you who need assistance with the assessment of programs, courses, students, or services, Dr. Josie Welsh, Assistant Director of Assessment, or Dr. Kathryn Jones, Director, is available to aid you (in developing learning goals, outcomes, objectives, measurements, and curriculum mapping). For assistance or information regarding assessment and/orTracDat software, contact the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, & Assessment by or call extension