PARAPHRASED FROM: EGALE CANADA & GAY AND LESBIAN EDUCATORS OF B.C. Myth Busters – Lesbian, Gay, Bi-, Trans. – Intersexed & Questioning Peoples
It’s unnatural Acting on one’s feelings is natural, while being forced to live in denial and in secrecy causes great – unnatural – pain. It’s about one’s quality of life, not the partner’s gender.
LGBT educators are harmful role models for students... Students do not learn to be LGBT... one IS LGBT. LGBT students most likely are raised by Hetero- parents and live in a hetero-sexist society. Positive role models are important for all students to realize they are productive members of society.
Elementary students will be confused if they learn about same- gendered families and LGBT issues. Teaching is about helping students to think critically and to understand the diversity around them.
People choose to be Homosexual. Homosexual person were aware of having same-sex feeling at an early age. The choice lies in whether to live full, open and well balanced lives, or to suppress their feelings.
There is a distinct Homosexual Lifestyle. There is as much variety in a homo-lifestyle as there is in a hetero-lifestyle. There is no such things a distinctive homosexual lifestyle, just as there is no such thing as a distinct heterosexual lifestyle. Within all communities, individuals create their own lifestyles; there’s nothing ‘alternate’ about it.
Homosexuals are promiscuous... Individuals who are promiscuous are often very visible; many LGBTTIQ people are in stable and committed relationships. Another issue around this myth is that being LGBTTIQ is only about sex. LGBTTIQ is about sexuality as well.
LGBTTIQ people are sad and lonely, with nothing to offer society. LGBTTIQ peoples are often unrecognized for their contributions, or their sexual orientation is unknown. A growing sense of pride within the LGBTTIQ community has enabled many people to reach their personal and professional potential.
LGBTTIQ people do not value family. Fewer than 1/3 rd of all Canadian families are the traditional “nuclear families.” The sense of family comes in different forms from “the norm” – eg – friends, partners, partners’ kids...
LGBTTIQ people can be identified by certain mannerisms, clothing or physical characteristics. LGBTTIQ people come in different shapes, sizes and colour as do other people. Because of the lack of LGBTTIQ role models, queer youth sometimes express themselves adopt stereotypical mannerisms, thinking that this is the only way to express themselves.
In same-sex relationships, one plays the man and the other the woman. This is based on hetero-normative ideas of a binary man-woman relationship norm. Most same-sex couples work to develop relationships bases on equality and mutuality, where they are loved and appreciated for who they are.
We know what causes homosexuality. The causes of sexuality are unknown. It is not the cause that is important, but that people are treated with dignity and respect regardless of their sexual orientation.
LGBTTIQ people would change if they could. LGBBTIQ people could change as well as Hetero-people can change sexuality. Validation, approval and celebration by family and friends, are major factors in their comfort, self-esteem and pride. Discrimation, prejudice, and alienation can cause intense stress, conflict, fear and depression. There are no cures. There is no illness.
The majority of pedophiles are LGBTTIQ. The pedophile myth is based on the most damaging charges levelled against Queer teachers, to keep them in the ‘closet’ and out of the classroom. A child is over 100 times more likely to be sexually molested by a heterosexual relative than by a LGBTTIQ person (Paediatrics, 1994).
LGBTTIQ people do not make good parents. LGBTTIQ people come from all kids of families, as do heterosexuals, and there is no correlation between the sexual orientation of parents and that of their children. A child’s chances of being LGBTTIQ are the same, where they are raised by LGBTTIQ parents or by heterosexual parents.
LGBTTIQ teenagers and children do not exist. LGBTTIQ children may not be visible, but many LGBTTIQ adults report having a sense of self- awareness from a very early age. Remember, being LGBTTIQ is an invisible minority in a hetero-sexist society; assuming their non- existence as youngster will only perpetuate this ignorance.
I don’t know of anyone who is LGBTTIQ. LGBTTIQ people are everywhere! This myth perpetuates the idea that LGBTTIQ issues need not concern the Hetero-community, because LGBTTIQ are “other”, they are elsewhere.
LGBTTIQ people are predominantly young, white, and non-religious. History shows us that LGBTTIQ people are found at all ages and in all cultures, ethnic groups and religions. Eg - There are sub-communities of LGBTTIQ persons who devoutly belong to religious affiliation.