TABLE 17-1 Examples of Data Needed in Project Analysis Melicher & Norton/Finance: Introduction to Institutions, Investments, and Management, 11th edition Chapter 17, Table 17-01
TABLE 17-2 Cash Flow Data for Projects A and B Melicher & Norton/Finance: Introduction to Institutions, Investments, and Management, 11th edition Chapter 17, Table 17-02
TABLE 17-3 Net Present Value Calculations for Projects and B Melicher & Norton/Finance: Introduction to Institutions, Investments, and Management, 11th edition Chapter 17, Table 17-03
FIGURE 17-1 Relationship Between NPV and Discount Rates Melicher & Norton/Finance: Introduction to Institutions, Investments, and Management, 11th edition Chapter 17, Figure 17-01
TABLE 17-4 Net Present Value Calculations for Project B Using a 12 Percent Discount Rate Melicher & Norton/Finance: Introduction to Institutions, Investments, and Management, 11th edition Chapter 17, Figure 17-04
TABLE 17-5 Firm Versus Project Statement of Cash Flows Melicher & Norton/Finance: Introduction to Institutions, Investments, and Management, 11th edition Chapter 17, Table 17-05
TABLE 17-6 Risk Categories, RMEN Corporation Melicher & Norton/Finance: Introduction to Institutions, Investments, and Management, 11th edition Chapter 17, Table 17-06
FIGURE LE17-1 Payoff Diagram for Copper Mining Example Melicher & Norton/Finance: Introduction to Institutions, Investments, and Management, 11th edition Chapter 17, Figure LE17-01
FIGURE LE17-2 Payoff Diagram for Copper Mining Example, with Abandonment Melicher & Norton/Finance: Introduction to Institutions, Investments, and Management, 11th edition Chapter 17, Figure LE17-2