N4, Double beta network Second year… …and next Prague, April 20th, 2006, IDEA-N4 meeting Dominique Lalanne
N4 – Table 2: Deliverables for year 2, March 2006 Deliverable No Deliverable Name Workpackage /Task No Delivered by Contracto r(s) Planned (in months) Achieved (in months) 1 First version of the database on existing isotopes WP1/1.3INFN18 3 Status of possibilities of enrichment in Russia WP2/2.3ACNRS24 4 First steps for an ICR design study programme WP2/2.3BINFN18
First step of an ICR design study Letter of Intend for FP ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT BY MEANS OF AN ICR MACHINE. Institutes involved LAL and IN2P3 (France) LNL and INFN (Italy) CEA (France) Kurchatov (Russia) University of Pavia and INFN, sezione di Pavia (Italy) University of Milano Bicocca and INFN, sezione di Milano Bicocca (Italy) Drafting Group P. Benetti S. Julien D. Lalanne E. Previtali Type of Project: Design Study for an ICR facility for FP7 program Project Outline
Double beta Network : Milestones of year 2
WG1 : coordination of double beta decay searches Co-ordinator : Christine Marquet, CENBG, IN2P3, France discussions to address common problems project SuperNEMO The final report on background issues is in progress
WG2-A: Bank of pure isotopes Co-ordinator Ezio Previtali, INFN, Milano, Italy “first version of a database on existing isotopes”. strategy for a possible isotope production in Europe with an Ion Cyclotron Resonance (ICR) facility. study of the possibility with CEA to restart a laser separation of Neodymium 150.
WG2-B: Negotiations with Russian labs, new isotope production. Co-ordinator : S. Jullian Production of enriched Selenium. Two teams in Kurchatov Institute are interested in enrichment. One is working with a team of ITEP-Moscow. Selenium is possibly produced in Kurchatov Possibility at ECP-Krasnoyarsk facility. A meeting has shown that is it reasonable to produce 100 kilogram within 3 years in a new production unit ready for use
WG3 : theoretical developments Co-ordinators : A. Faessler, F. Simkovic, J. Suhonen Three workshops (Durham, Erice, Corfu) have been co-organized with an important contribution of ILIAS participants allowing the following results: An overall analysis of the possible sources of differences between the various calculations has been performed Also some possible universal features of the matrix elements related to the neutrinoless mode of double beta decay have been pointed out Still under discussion remain the best independent probes of the matrix elements related to the neutrinoless double beta decay.
Double beta Network : Deliverables of year 3
9.N4 - Table 2 – DBD - Third 18 months Implementation Plan Tasks and Deliverables 25 th to 30 Th month31 th to 36 th month 37 th to 42 th month WP 1: COORDINATION OF DBD SEARCHES Tasks: Background issues for the next generation of detectors Comparison among different techniques and recommendations on the most promising ones Common working group with JRA2 on the R&D projects in relation with the N4 recommendations and follow-up of those R&D Deliverables: - Final report on background issues - Report on recommendation on the most appropriate techniques - First version on report on interplay between N4 recommendation and JRA2
WP 2: BANK OF PURE ISOTOPES Tasks: Constitution of a data base of a Bank of isotopes 2.3C - Study of possible enrichment by Laser Isotope Separation - Comparison of radiopurety results obtained by different methods and/or indifferent labs. Deliverables: - Updating of isotope data base - First report on Laser Isotope Separation (LIS) - Pre- report on radiopurety issues - Final report on Laser Isotope Separation (LIS)
WP 3: COLLECTION AND INVESTIGATION OF EXPERIMENTAL INPUTS, NUCLEAR MATRIX ELEMENTS Tasks: - Common conclusions of the year 2 working groups and isotope selection for new generation of experiments - Common working group with JRA2 on R&D projects in relation with NA recommendation and follow-up of those R&D Deliverables: - Report on conclusions on matrix element computation and selected isotopes - Pre-report on interplay between N4 recommendations and JRA2
Production of new isotopes : 1 - MENPHIS, Laser facility at CEA, Pierrelatte, France Possibility of production of 100 kg of 150 Nd and 10’s of 48 Ca with the existing facility to be adapted for new productions Negotiation with CEA to be done 2 - ICR Facility, as studied previously Design study to be done. LOI in FP7 Highlights
2000–2003 Program : Menphis facility Design : 2001 Building : st test : early st full scale exp. : june 2003 Evaporator Dye laser chain Yag laser Copper vapor laser
Laser Isotope Separation (LIS) for 150 Nd 1- Technical feasibility proven by Kurchatov Institute with a production of 40 mg/h with an enrichment level of 60% for 150 Nd 2- MENPHIS, CEA Facility at Pierrelatte, France This Facility has worked in 2003 for a production of 200 kg of 235 U enriched at 2,5%. It is now stopped and in stand-by. Visit of this Facility by Serge Jullian and D.L. Dismantling in principle delayed by one year. Possible study of transformations needed of MENPHIS for a 150 Nd production. A-priori there is no difficulties for such transformations. Then a proposal can be done to CEA for a production of 150 Nd.