Humans Interact With The Environment Examples of how humans have interacted and changed the environment through the ages.
Early Man Hunters and Gatherers- The men hunted animals and the women gathered smaller foods. Paleolithic Era- The beginning of the stone age when the people had to adapt to the cold weather. Role- The men hunted and the women gathered nuts and berries to eat.
Farmers and City Dwellers Domestication- People used plants and animals to help them get food and make sure they had food. Taxation- When people gave their time in for working for the government by helping on projects that would help the city grow. Slash and Burn farming- Farmers burned down land to help the soil prepare for planting crops.
Mesopotamia Silt- Soil and tiny rocked from floodwaters help crops grow better. Bronze- Mix of tin and copper to make weapons and tools. Standing Army- Paid soldiers that would fight to protect the empire. Irrigation- Water moved to land to use when they needed it.
Egypt Papyrus- A plant made into an object you could write on. Pyramids- Make from stone and other materials to serve as a tomb for a ruler. Cataracts- Egyptians had to carry their boat around it to keep traveling. Hammurabi’s Code- Laws that Egyptians would follow to make it safer to live.
Greece Bards- People tell you stories about how to survive from lessons from the past. Harbors, Isthmus, Peninsula, and Island- Greeks were forced to figure out how to use the land and water that was there. Polis- Connected a city, and the farms, towns, and villages around it. This made it easier to divide the resources.
Rome Roads- Build to help travel from place to place easier on flat land. Concrete- A material used to build. Colosseum- A large arena for entertainment used by gladiators.