Thermosets & Thermoplastics Click to start
Question 1 The raw material used to make plastics is... WaterGlass SandOil
Wrong Answer! You should know this one! Its easy peasy! Other raw materials such as coal, natural gases and organic materials could also be used.
Melamine (MF) Question 2 Which of the following is commonly used in schools / colleges for vacuum forming? HIPSPolyester PVC
Wrong Answer! You need to revise quickly!
Question 3 Which of the following is used to manufacture carrier bags? PVCPolycarbonate LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)
Wrong Answer! Try again!
Question 4 What process is used to manufacture plastic pipes? Vacuum Forming Injection Moulding Blow MouldingExtrusion Moulding
Wrong Answer! Tubes and pipes are extruded through a circular die to produce continuous lengths.
Question 5 A Thermoplastic is a __________ that can be re- shaped when heated. PolymerBundle of coils MonomerCluster of cells
Wrong Answer! Thermoplastics are polymers that turn to liquid when heated.
Question 6 Thermosets cannot be reformed or remoulded because The monomers contain too much hydrogen Polymer chains move too freely Polymers chains cannot move freely The monomers contain too much carbon
Wrong Answer! Ooohh, difficult question? Thermosets differ from Thermoplastics chemically in that heating thermosets changes the chains of polymers so that they cannot move freely past one another like they can in the case of thermoplastics.
Question 7 What does HIPS stand for? High intensity polystyrene High impact polystyrene High impact plastic High intensity plastic
Wrong Answer! Ooops!
Question 8 Which of the following is NOT a thermoset? BakeliteEpoxy resin DuroplastABS – Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
Wrong Answer! Sorry, try again. And do some revision!
Question 9 Who created the first man made plastic? Leo Baekeland - Bakelite John Wesley Hyatt - Celluloid Alexander Parkes - Parkesine Jacques E Brandenberger - Cellophane
Wrong Answer! Bakelite, the first entirely synthetic plastic, was patented in 1907 by Leo Baekeland. The very first plastic was unveiled by Alexander Parkes in1862. This substance was an organic material derived from cellulose that could be moulded after heating, but retained its shape when it cooled. (As opposed to Bakelite, which, as we mentioned, is entirely synthetic.)
Question 10 What type of plastic is used for guttering? Expanded Polystyrene Rigid PVC AcrylicNylon
Wrong Answer! Try again!
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