Andrew Jackson Part II
1832 – 1850: Democrats – party of tradition, agricultural, pro- slavery, rapid expansion, external growth (trade / foreign policy). Whigs – party of modernization, industrial, reform (temperance, school, prison), gradual expansion, internal growth (infrastructure).
Indian Removal Act – caused the Trail of Tears, (1830s) forced removal of Native Americans east of the Mississippi River to “Indian Territory” because white farmers wanted the land.
Election of 1832 – Jackson (Dem) vs. Henry Clay (Whig). Jackson wins. The Bank of the United States – closed when Jackson removed Federal money and placed it in a new U.S. Treasury. He vetoed any bills to establish a new bank.
Election of 1836 – Martin Van Buren (Dem) wins. Panic of 1837 – the U.S. enters an economic depression, Van Buren’s policy of non-intervention caused people to lose faith in him as a President.