WTO International Trade Statistics 2008 Chapter III “International Trade in Services by category” - Highlights - Estimates of exports/imports by sector for the world and by selected region - Leading/major exporters and importers by sector and selected subsectors - Data on bilateral trade in services by sector and selected subsectors - Trade in commercial services - FATS inward and outward sales Chapter I Annex tables
“Other business services” (BOP) Table III.33 World exports of other business services by region Table III. 34 Major exporters and importers of other business services Table III. 35 Exports of other business services of selected economies by destination Table III.36 Trade in other business services by category in selected economies Example
WTO Statistics Database Free Online Interactive By country, region, economic group, world Total commercial services Transportation services Travel Other commercial services English only
1) Partial TIS data coverage - No bilateral trade flows - No breakdown of “other commercial services” Scope for improvement! 2) No built-in options for data manipulation LIMITS of the WTO Online SDB