Sacred Heart School Advent Lighting Ceremony The 4th week of Advent
Welcome On Sunday we celebrated the fourth Sunday of Advent Welcome On Sunday we celebrated the fourth Sunday of Advent. Please join us in singing O Emmanuel (optional): O Emmanuel, Come into our hearts, We’re waiting for your light God is with us now O Emmanuel, Emmanuel.
We your people are waiting for you, Lord. Waiting all throughout the earth. Waiting to celebrate your birth. O Emmanuel, Come into our hearts, We’re waiting for your light God is with us now O Emmanuel, Emmanuel.
We your people are longing for you, Lord. Longing with hope and with joy. Longing for the sign to rejoice. O Emmanuel, Come into our hearts, We’re waiting for your light God is with us now O Emmanuel, Emmanuel.
We your people are ready for you, Lord. Ready to change and repent. Ready for you to come again. O Emmanuel, Come into our hearts, We’re waiting for your light God is with us now O Emmanuel, Emmanuel.
Introduction: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Today we will light 4 candles from our Advent Wreath as a symbol of the weeks in Advent. Blessing of the Wreath: Today we light the Mary Candle, it reminds us of Mary’s important role in the Christmas story. Mary was God’s chosen one as the mother of Jesus. She is a symbol of strength and courage, gentleness and love.
Fourth Week of Advent: Acceptance This fourth week of advent has to do with acceptance, which means saying “yes” to someone who asks us to do something. When God asked Mary to be the mother of God, she said “yes”. This week is our chance to say “yes” to God through our families and friends, even though a “no” would be much easier at times.
Together: Oh Lord, this is a time for reflecting on our Mother Mary and imaging the anticipation that she felt about the arrival of Jesus. Help us to be patient people like Mary. May we welcome Jesus into our hearts and minds throughout this Advent Season. Amen.
Response: Our response to the blessings is: Come Lord Jesus Show me your paths and teach me to follow; Guide me by Your truth and instruct me. You keep me safe and I always trust you. All: Come Lord Jesus
You are honest and merciful, And you teach sinners how to follow your path. You lead humble people to do what is right and to stay on your path. All: Come Lord Jesus.
Concluding Prayer: God of grace and promise, be with us during this advent season when we gather together as a Catholic community for the preparation of Jesus’ birth. We ask you to bless our Advent wreath and all who are around it, may it remind us of the first coming of Jesus. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.