Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics Caltech Student-Faculty Conference April 5, 2007 Chair: Edward Truong-Cao, 2007, Mechanical Engineering
Committee Members Student Members ◦ Steven Gray, 2007, Mechanical Engineering ◦ Chi Wan Ko, 2008, Mechanical Engineering ◦ Kevin Watts, 2008, Mechanical Engineering ◦ Matt Wierman, 2008, E&AS: Aeronautics Faculty Members ◦ Christopher Brennen, Richard L. and Dorothy M. Hayman Professor of Mechanical Engineering ◦ Melany Hunt, Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Executive Officer for Mechanical Engineering ◦ Guruswami Ravichandran, John E. Goode, Jr., Professor of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Option Representative ◦ Joe Shepherd: Professor of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering
Background of Mechanical Engineering Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences (E&AS) Undergraduate B.S, Graduate M.S, Engineer, Ph.D. 16 faculty members Research in: ◦ Thermal sciences ◦ Fluid and solid mechanics ◦ Mechanical systems ◦ Robotics ◦ Control ◦ Engineering design March 30 – 31, Celebrated Centennial birthday of Mechanical Engineering at Caltech
Background of Aeronautics Mainly a graduate department, Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories of Caltech (GALCIT) Offers undergraduate concentration under E&AS Research includes: ◦ Biomechanics ◦ Biopropulsion ◦ Micro-and nanomechanics ◦ Space science ◦ Space technology
Overview of Issues Undergraduate Student-Faculty Interactions/Socials ◦ Repeat issue from the previous SFC Support for Department to further Educational Goals Combining Aeronautics concentration under Mechanical Engineering option ◦ Repeat issue from the past to SFC’s
Student-Faculty Interactions Students would like more interaction with professors and department Spring 2005: Student-Faculty Social organized for undergraduates Department currently has social gatherings through Society of Professional Students (SOPS) Will contact SOPS to discuss allowing undergraduates to these socials Aim to have at least 2 gatherings in upcoming term
ASME and AIAA Professional Societies also good medium for interactions Currently have professors willing to head up societies Need to have student interest to start societies
Support for Mechanical Engineering Department Students note that several courses not regularly offered: ◦ ME 73 (Machine Component Design): Not offered in 4 years because department appropriate instructor ◦ ME 115 (Kinematics and Robotics): not offered regularly, department also looking for professors to teach course ◦ ME 20 (Heat Transfer): not enough students to be offered each year. ◦ Students would like an Introduction to Engineering menu course. Once had E5, Freshman Engineering lab, but was canceled due to stretched faculty
Support (cont’d) Underlying issue to unavailability of courses: Department not funded or staffed well enough to fully support those courses. Committee will start dialogues with Division Chair and Provost to address these issues.
Aeronautics Concentration Issue for the past 2 SFC’s Currently, Aeronautics Department cannot support an undergraduate option ◦ Department too thin to provide necessary courses for ABET-accredited major Many Aeronautics students opt to declare as Mechanical Engineering, but still want credit for doing Aeronautics coursework Previously recommended that Aeronautics move to concentration under ME Causes strain on ME department with all Aero students now moving to ME
Aeronautics (cont’d) Proposed alternative to Aeronautics concentration: create Aerospace minor Change proposed at Aeronautics Faculty meeting, and change submitted to Curriculum Committee
Recommended Actions Short Term: ◦ Contact SOPS to discuss undergraduates at social gatherings ◦ Have gatherings at least twice per term ◦ Contact E&AS Division chair and Provost to discuss support for ME department Long Term ◦ Build up student interest in ASME and AIAA. ◦ Professors are available, need at least one student to work with professors and generate student interest.