Jainism By: Emily STUDENT
Number of Adherents About 5 million followers today
Where and When the Religion was Established Established around 600 BCE Established in India
Influential Practitioners Lord Mahavir or Vardhaman put into practice Jainism about 2600 years ago. He was a prince who had all the worldly items a person could wish for. At age 30, he left the royal family and set out looking to eliminate pain. He thought that was done by getting rid of worldly possessions.
continued He spent the next twelve and a half years searching in silence. Then he traveled for 30 years barefoot around India preaching the eternal truth he had found. The main point of his teaching was to tell how one can reach total freedom from the cycle of birth, life, pain, misery and death.
Holy Work Jainism follows two main texts. Shatkhand Agam and Kasay Pahud
Clergy Jainism has no official clergy. Serious believers become monks and nuns. Women don’t have strict certain rules to follow.
Ecclesiastical Law Jains have 6 essential rites to do daily: 1.Samayik-Meditation 2.Praying of Tirthankars-prayer 3.Vanada-to respect Ascetics 4.Pratikraman-repent and confess 5.Kayotsarg-non-attachments of the body 6.Pratyakhan-religious vows to discipline one’s self
Holy Days Most months contain at least one Jaina holiday, fast-day or festival. On the night of Lord Mahavir’s nirvana, people celebrate the Festival of Lights. The two main holidays for Jainism are Mahavir, the birthday of Lord Mahavir, and Paryushan, eight or ten days in a year marked by prayers, meditation, fasting, penance, introspection, confession, and forgiveness.
Rites/Rituals/Ceremonies Jains choose to have ornate temples, like the ones Hindus have. The goal of Jains is to end up being free from worldly possessions. Jains are allowed to get married and have families.
Major Tenets of the Faith Extreme self-denial and non-violence, avoid meat, cooked food, killing, and anything worldly Wear face coverings to help prevent accidental death of bugs Some Jains go without clothing because it’s what is natural Most wear white garments
Location of Most People who Practice this Religion India is where most of the Jains live. That is also where the religion started.
Growing in Number? No, this religion is not growing in number. One reason is because there are so many other appealing religions that have come about since Jainism.