Quickwrite Collection 6 Through the Tunnel Think of a time when you felt you needed to prove yourself by achieving something that was difficult and challenging. What did you have to go through to reach your goal? Did you get or do what you wanted? How did you feel at the end? Freewrite for a few minutes about your experience.
Quickwrite Collection 6 The Masque of the Red Death Rich and powerful people often build huge houses. They build high walls around their estates so that they can block out the upsetting parts of life. What realities of life must people face, no matter who they are? Write down your thoughts.
Quickwrite Collection 6 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening After Apple-Picking Jot down all the images, connotations, and any other kinds of associations that occur to you for each of the words listed in the chart below. Images Connotations/Associations Sleep Woods Dreaming Apples Apple-picking