Online Learning
Online learning Moodle Rcampus District sites Virtual schools Alberta learning uses: Focus on Moodle (as we have this on our webpages, but no one knows how to use it)
K-12 online Learning
What is Moodle? Moodle (acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Enviornment It’s Free As of June 2013 it had a user base of 83,008 registered and verified sites, serving 70,696,570 users in 7.5+ million courses with 1.2+ million teachers. ( Our Grande Prairie Regional College uses it Typical features of Moodle are: [ – Assignment submission – Discussion forum – Files download – Grading – Moodle instant messages – Online calendar – Online quiz – Wiki – Plug-ins
Moodle- Youtube Videos
Fill instructional Gaps Text books are no longer adequate Textbooks are outdated soon after published Imagine a content with links so students can dive deeper into the content Visuals to further understanding Students absent or working at own rate can log on. Students being accountable for their own learning.
Support Meaningful Authentic Student Learning Creating projects within a secure server in which students are engaged with other students from around the globe. Students can demonstrate what they have learned to a much wider audience Everything is saved online, no more missing or lost homework Virtual schools are becoming more popular, school districts need to ask themselves why?
Authentic / Inquiry Based Learning “Learning-by-doing is generally considered the most effective way to learn. The Internet and a variety of emerging communication, visualization, and simulation technologies now make it possible to offer students authentic learning experiences ranging from experimentation to real-world problem solving.” Lombardi (2007)
Advantages Students have options to select learning material that meets their needs. Students can study or access material from anywhere, between games, on the road, etc.. Self paced learning Flexibility to join discussions with peers & professionals Communication between teacher using this technology Assessment can be integrated into the lessons for immediate feedback.
References Cavanaugh, C., & Clark, T. (2007). The Landscape of K-12 Online Learning. In P. Adamson, B. Adamson, & N. Clausen-Grace, et al (Eds.), What Works in K-12 Online Learning (Chapter 1, pp. 5-19). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. Cavanaugh, C., & Clark, T. (2007). The Landscape of K-12 Online Learning. In P. Adamson, B. Adamson, & N. Clausen-Grace, et al (Eds.), What Works in K-12 Online Learning (Chapter 1, pp. 5-19). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. Lombardi, M., (2007) Authentic Learning for the 21 st Century: An Overview, Educasue Learning Initiative, retrieved from: