Grady L. Hunt Locklear, Jacobs, Hunt & Brooks (910) The information contained in this presentation is intended for general guidance only, and is not intended to provide specific legal advice or to express specific legal opinions FIRE DRILLS & INSPECTIONS Public Schools of Robeson County August 6, 2014
115C-288 (d) To conduct Fire Drills and Inspect for Fire Hazards
Fire Drills: A. Conduct a fire drill during the first week of school; B. Thereafter, one fire drill each school month; C. Includes students and employees D. In each building in his/her charge where children are assembled
Inspections: - Inspect each of the buildings in his/her charge twice each month during the regular school session (cafeteria, gymnasium, boiler room, storage rooms, auditoriums, stage areas, all classrooms) Purpose of inspections: Keeping buildings safe from the accumulation of trash and other fire hazards. Written Report: File written report (2 copies) each month during regular school session with superintendent; - One copy to chairman of board; Contents of Report: - Date of last fire drill; - Time consumed in evacuating each building; - inspection has been made as prescribed by law
115C-525 Fire Prevention A. Duties of Principal 1. (a). Ensure corridor, halls, and tower storage used for exits, shall always be kept clear; (b). All doors used for exits shall be kept in good working condition; and, (c). All doors used for exits are kept unlocked. 2.No wiring installed or altered except with authorization of superintendent;
3. Combustible materials necessary for curriculum and for operation of school stored properly; 4. All supplies that may cause spontaneous combustion stored properly; 5. All trash removed daily; 6. Cooperates with inspectors make inspections required by 115C-525 (6)
B. Inspections: Every school building inspected a minimum of two (2) times during the year; hazards and to ensure that the building and all heating, mechanical, electrical, gas and other equipment and appliances are installed and maintained per Building Code; - Inspectors to provide written report to principals and superintendent 2. County Commissioners are responsible for inspectors; 3.All fire hazards reported shall be immediately removed or corrected.
Liability for failing to perform duties imposed by 115C-288 (d) and 115C-525 (a) and (b). Class 3 misdemeanor