Log Book Part 1
This is the logbook which you will use to plan and record your progress. You should ensure that you record logbook items as soon as you can after completing an activity. Planning You have been supplied with a brief by your teacher/lecturer. Your first task is to think about what sort of images are required for the brief. 1 What kind of images do you think would be suitable for the brief you have been given? I need ten pictures of tourists and Dunoon. I will get pictures of them at various locations in Dunoon. 2 How and where will you be able to acquire the images you think are appropriate? I will take photographs for the ferry coming into Dunoon. I will obtain permission to photograph inside the museum. I will ask tourists for permission to photograph them. Before continuing to the next stage, check with your teacher/lecturer as to the suitability of your ideas and then have your teacher/lecturer sign off this stage.
Schedule of activities Now that you have agreed with your teacher/lecturer on the types of images you wish to acquire and have identified possible sources of the images, you will need to work out a schedule for acquiring the images and ensure that you have completed a risk assessment for any locations you will be using to acquire photographic images. If you are using pre existing images you will need to ensure that you have copyright permission to use the images. If you are taking pictures of people then you will also need to comply with copyright procedures by ensuring that each person has signed a permission form. Your teacher/lecturer will supply you with any risk assessment forms and copyright clearance forms you may require. Locations List any locations you will be using: Calmac Ferry Main Street Dunoon Dunoon Museum
Existing images If you are using images which already exist you will need to check whether you are able to use the image. In the space below, list any pre-existing images you will be using, the source of the image and the copyright status of each image. Image Source Copyright status Not using any existing images as I will be taking them all myself. Acquisition schedule Now that you know what you want and where to get it you will need to plan the how and when. Complete the information below. Remember to make sure you have the permission of anyone in the areas you will be visiting before you go! Activity Projected date 14/05/08 Calmac Ferry – Take pictures coming into the Pier at Dunoon. Activity Projected date 21/05/08 Main Street Dunoon – Take pictures of tourists walking along the Main Street Activity Projected date 28/05/08 Dunoon Museum – Take pictures of the museum and grounds.