1 MinuteWar Capture - the – flag ! MinuteWar is a game of capture-the-flag using the whole world as the playing field and GPS receivers for navigation. Every player in the world uses his own local map, but all the maps are combined so that all players compete against everyone else at the same time no matter where they live. The maps are divided into squares, each one minute of longitude wide and one minute of latitude long. Each square contains a virtual flag. Visit the spot where the flag is located to capture the flag.
2 GeoVexilla visit a flag's waypoint before the flag disappears ! GeoVexilla is a GPS game that uses the globe for a playing field. At random times, in random places, random virtual fla gs appear on a map of the world. The challenge is to visit a flag's waypoint before the flag disappears. Each time you succeed, you collect that flag, increasing your score.
3 covers the entire planet ! Geodashing is a game in which players use GPS receivers on a playing field that covers the entire planet. The waypoints, or dashpoints, to be reached are randomly selected. The win goes to who can get to the most dashpoints; that is, if you can get to them at all! Each game has a new set of dashpoints making each game completely different and unpredictable.
4 GeoGolf is a game in which players use GPS receivers to navigate to 18 randomly placed waypoints (or 9 in a short course). Your score depends on how close you can get to each of the waypoints. The closer you get, the lower your score. Low score wins, just like real golf.
5 Short course (max distance < 12 km) Under 10m = 1 stroke Under 20m = 2 strokes Under 40m = 3 strokes Under 60m = 4 strokes Under 80m = 5 strokes Under 100m = 6 strokes Under 120m = 7 strokes Under 150m = 8 strokes Over 150m = 9 strokes Long course (max distance >= 12 km) Under 10m = 1 stroke Under 50m = 2 strokes Under 100m = 3 strokes Under 200m = 4 strokes Under 400m = 5 strokes Under 600m = 6 strokes Under 800m = 7 strokes Under 1000m = 8 strokes Over 1000m = 9 strokes Rules SPP: around 10m accuracy DGPS or CPH will help you hit birdies.
6 Geocaching Find hidden objects ! Geocaching is a game in which players hide objects that other players use GPS receivers to find. It's simple. Traditionally, the hidden object is a waterproof container with a log book and various inexpensive prizes. Finders are encouraged to take something, leave something, and sign the log.
7 Benefits Important Application (Leisure time) Out -Door Activities Group Work
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