Amy Groh, MA Director of Crisis Intervention Services 19 N. 6 th Street. Reading, PA (610) Crisis Intervention & Emergency Services
Sam is the gateway to mental health services in Berks county. Sam, Inc. is an agency dedicated to provide access to mental health treatment for anyone in Berks County regardless of income or ability to pay. About Sam, Inc.
How is Sam, Inc. able to help? Sam provides intake/referrals, early intervention program for children birth to three, Mental Health Case Management, Intellectual Developmental Disability Supports Coordination, Forensic Case Management, and Crisis Intervention and Emergency Services. In Berks County Sam, Inc. is located at 19 N. 6 th Street in Reading, PA
Our case management and crisis services have been accredited by the commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). Certified by the American Association of Suicidology
Crisis Intervention Services 1.What are Crisis Intervention Services? 2.Who is eligible for services? 3.How and where are Crisis Services provided? 4.What are Emergency Mental Health Services? 5.When are Crisis Services provided? 6.What is Act-147?
What are Crisis Intervention Services? Assistance to consumers in resolving and/or diffusing crisis situations via problem solving, support, and referral. Assessment and consultation in identifying mental health problems and needs, as well as options for mental health treatment or other interventions and community services. Information and referral for other human services and community Resources.
Who is eligible for services? Anyone who requests them regardless of age, income, or health insurance. Mental health consumers and persons interested in their wellbeing including, but not limited to, family, friends, human services agencies, school personnel, and law enforcement and court officers.
How and where are Crisis Services provided? Staff members will work to understand a caller’s needs and requests and then consider how and where to most effectively interact with consumers and/or other callers. Telephone contact. Mobile outreach to conduct ace-to-face contact in the community. Walk-in at Sam, Inc.
What are Emergency Mental Health Services? Emergency Mental Health Services consist of the review and execution of requests for involuntary mental health evaluation and treatment. Emergency Mental Health Services are provided only after less-restrictive and less-intrusive crisis intervention services have been provided. Emergency Mental Health Services are provided in accordance with the Mental Health Procedures Act of 1976, Section 302. Emergency Mental Health Services are provided by SAM, Inc. staff under the authority delegated to them by the Berks County Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities program.
When are Crisis Services available? Crisis services are available 24-hours a day, seven days a week by calling: (610) or (877) TOLL FREE
SAM, Inc. Crisis Center staff does not have the means to restrain or otherwise restrict people’s movements, or to provide care for medical problems, drug/alcohol intoxication, or withdrawal. Crisis Intervention Services are not an effective substitute for on-going mental health case management or treatment services. Please note:
ACT 147
Minors Consent Act Act 147 Amends the “Minors Consent to Medical, Dental and Other Health Services” (35 P.S. §1010 et seq.) (the “Minors Consent Act”) Nothing in Act 147 is intended to restrict the rights of a minor who satisfies the conditions of the Minors Consent Act. Act 147: 1.1(c) Effective January 22,
Outpatient ACT 147: Outpatient Treatment “Any minor who is fourteen years of age or older may consent on his or her own behalf to outpatient mental health examination and treatment, and the minor’s parent or legal guardian’s consent shall not be necessary.” Act 147: §1.1(a)(1) 14
Outpatient ACT 147 Outpatient Treatment A parent or legal guardian A parent or legal guardian of a minor less than eighteen years of age may consent to voluntary outpatient mental health examination or treatment on behalf of the minor, and the minor's consent shall not be necessary. Act 147: §1.1(a)(2) 15
Outpatient ACT 47 Outpatient Treatment A minor “A minor may not abrogate consent provided by a parent or legal guardian on the minor's behalf, nor may a parent or legal guardian abrogate consent given by the minor on his or her own behalf.” Act 147: §1.1(a)(3 ) - “Abrogate” means to cancel, repeal or annul. 16
Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment Parent/Legal Guardian “Parent/Legal Guardian of minor under 18 may consent to voluntary inpatient treatment pursuant to the Mental Health Procedures Act of 1976 (MHPA) on the recommendation of a physician who has examined the minor. The minor's consent is not necessary.” Act 147: §1.1(b) 17
Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment Act 147 does not restrict or alter a minor’s rights in the Mental Health Procedures Act (“MHPA”) to consent to voluntary inpatient treatment at age 14 or older. Act 147: 1. § 1(b)(2) 18
Act 147 does not restrict or alter a parent/guardian’s right to object to minor’s (14+) consent to voluntary inpatient treatment under the MHPA. Act 147:1.1(b)(3) 19 Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment
Parent/legal guardian Parent/legal guardian may not abrogate consent of minor; minor may not abrogate consent of parent/legal guardian. Act 147: §1.1(b )(4) 20 Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment
Parent/legal guardian Parent/legal guardian consent to inpatient treatment may be revoked; treatment will terminate unless minor 14 to 18 consents to continued inpatient treatment. Act 147: §1.1(b)(5) 21 Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment
Minor Minor who has consented to inpatient treatment may revoke his/her consent; minor’s revocation of consent is effective unless parent/legal guardian of minor has provided for continued treatment. 22 Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment
Facility Director shall: minor Provide minor (14-17 years of age) with an explanation of the nature of the treatment and minor’s rights; File a petition with the Court, if minor objects to treatment consented to by parent/legal guardian. Act 147: §1.1(b)(7)(8) 23 Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment
Court shall promptly: Appoint attorney for minor. Schedule hearing within 72 hours of the filing of the petition. Judge or mental health review officer determines whether voluntary mental health treatment is in the best interest of the minor. Act 147: §1.1(b)(8) 24 Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment
For patient treatment to continue against minor’s wishes, the Court must find voluntary inpatient treatment necessary by clear and convincing evidence that: – Diagnosed mental disorder exist – Disorder is treatable in the particular facility – Least restrictive environment. 25 Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment
If Court orders minor to undergo treatment, minor shall receive services for up to 20 days. MinorMinor shall be discharged whenever: – Attending physician determines that minor is no longer in need of treatment; – Consent to treatment has been revoked; – The end of the time period of the order; or – Whichever comes first. Act 147: §1.1(b)(9) 26 Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment
Court conducts a review hearing to determine whether to: release the minor; make a subsequent order for inpatient treatment not to exceed 60 days, subject to discharge whenever the attending physician determines the minor is no longer in need of treatment; consent (parental) is revoked under Paragraph 5; or Court may order 60-day period of treatment. Act 147: 1.1 (b)(9)(10) 27 Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment
non-consenting parent Nothing in this subsection shall prevent a non-consenting parent who has legal custody rights of a minor child to object to “voluntary” inpatient services approved by consenting parent by filing a petition in Court; hearing to be held in 72 hours. Act 147: §1.1(b)(11) 28 Inpatient ACT 147 Inpatient Treatment
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