“ Grasp the subject, the words will follow” Cato the Elder
-Read the words from the text and tell what it is about: I.V. family physician, vial, doctor, pain- racked (терзаемая болью), needle (игла). -Skim the text and suggest the title of it. -Scan the text and find the English words for: *расхаживать *быть погружённым во мрак *застыть на месте *смертный грех *безжизненный голос *уткнуться невидящим взглядом *терзаемая болью
Check yourself: *to pace *to be pitch dark *to root where one stands *mortal sin * a voice drained of emotion *to stare unfocusedly *pain-racked
Read the text for detail and answer the questions: 1. What was the aim of Seth’s visit? 2. Why did Mr. Carson augment volume of his TV? 3. Why did Seth ask Tim to never again call him? 4. Why did Seth take the car, which lacked “M.D.” plates? 5. For what purpose is it mentioned that Mrs. Carson was a Catholic? 6. Do you share the opinion that suicide is a mortal sin? 7. Was Mrs. Carson afraid of death? 8. Can you imagine Mr. Carson’s feelings?
What problem is stated in the text?
Make thinkways: 1.Death
The problem of euthanasia. What is euthanasia? A) a branch of medicine; B) a disease; C) a bacterium; D) painless killing of the dying or of the ones having an the dying or of the ones having an incurable illness. incurable illness.
euthanasia human act no more… mortal sin …… …
Check yourself: euthanasia human act no more painno more suffering mortal sin suicidesorrow relief
Fill in the table with the sentences from the text and support these opinions. Human act Mortal sin
Check yourself: Human act 1) “No,I want to die.Please,Doctor.” 2) “I’m just going to put some medicine into your I.V.,Mrs.Carson.In a few mi nutes you’ll go to sleep.”3)-and no more pain?” 4) “Oh,God,thank you for sending your angel.” 5) Seth held it (her hand)tightly as the life and pain ebbed out of her. 6) “She’s at peace.” 7) “… Marge wanted this because she loved her family.” Mortal sin 1) She was a Catholic,and yet was she not committing a suicide – a mortal sin? 2) “Do what you have to do.The rest will be for me to face.I’ve prayed to him so often.I know He’ll understand.” 3) Cason began to cry.Perhaps from sorrow,perhaps from relief.Perhaps both. 4) Seth … replied, “Don’t call me again.Ever.”
Conclusion: * Is euthanasia a human * Is euthanasia a human act or a mortal sin? act or a mortal sin? * Would you stop * Would you stop someone’s suffering someone’s suffering by means of euthanasia by means of euthanasia or would you let him/her or would you let him/her suffer till the very end? suffer till the very end?