What were some things you did to improve the poem? IMPROVE WORD CHOICE What were some things you did to improve the poem?
IMPROVING WORD CHOICE Whole Class Activity Read “Focus on Writing” in 7B Fears and Phobias on page 82. As you read each point, copy its short form onto your page.
Tip #1 – Use Precise Words Change or add two words to the sentence below to make it more descriptive. Spiders scare me.
Tip #2 – Choose the Right Synonym Drama Task: Volunteer will act out a synonym for looked. Class: What synonym is being used? How does replacing a word with a synonym change the story? Joe looked back
Tip #3 – Show, Don’t Tell Drama Task: Three volunteers will come to the front to show (act out) an emotion. Class: what do you see? Upset Surprised Mad Write a short paragraph about a boy named who is feeling one of the above emotions. Show what he is feeling.
Tip #4 - Cross Out Unnecessary Words The cold, dreary rain fell onto his opened umbrella. John is a goalie who helped his team win many games. Why doesn’t she ever, even sometimes, bake me cake?
I hear screams inside me. IMPROVE WORD CHOICE With alone or with a partner, revise the poem below (record your new, improved poem on the back of your sheet): Fear of Spiders The spider’s legs Crawl along the page. I hear screams inside me. My heart races.
IMPROVE WORD CHOICE Complete the Expanding Sentences worksheet. Part A: Tells you how to expand the sentence. Part B: Expand the sentence on your own.