1 ZCT 205/3 Quantum Mechanics
2 General issues You can pose your question through SMS during the lecture, but I prefer you raise your questions in the class My HP: Consultation hour: meet me anytime Compulsory attendance: absent for more than 30% will be barred from taking final exam. You must provide formal proof for the reason of absence (medical cert, letters from event organisers, etc.)
3 Attendance You must sit at the same spot in the same lecture hall so that your absence is immediately spotted. Photos will be taken at every lecture session as the proof of attendance. I need to appoint two ‘class assistance’ to help up to take photo in every lecture session and upload it to the elearning portal.
4 Evaluation Final exam: 70%, Coursework: 30% Coursework includes pop quizzes and tests. Better make sure you attend all the class as pop quizzes will happen in any lecture session. Each pop quiz should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Two tests will be conducted at selected dates. Pop quiz: 10 marks. Tests: 2 x 10 = 20 marks. The latest coursework grades will be uploaded to the elearning when available.
Scheduled dates for the tests Test 1: 5 April 2012, Thursday, 8.00 am (venue to be confirmed) Test 2: 24 May 2012, Thursday, 8.00 am (venue to be confirmed) There is no reason you can’t attend the tests as they have been informed to you at the beginning of the semester.
Bring your hand-written formula sheet to the Tests During the tests, you are allowed to bring in ONE single piece of A4 size paper, on which you can write whatever notes on it. Of course, you are not allowed to communicate during the test.
7 Exam format 7 structured questions, answer 5. The difficulty level is expected to be composed of the following proportion: 25% easy-to-score + 50% average + 25% above average. 40% involves theory, 60% involves calculation.
How would I design the exam questions Source of exam questions: all shall be inspired from the text book. Working examples, problem sets, Show it. The theoretical questions will also be based on the textbook. This is our deal. So there is no reason you can’t answer them if you study the textbook, follow the lecture, and attempt the exercises in the lecture note and problem sets.
9 This is a university, not a secondary school. Learning is a personal endeavor. You yourself has be responsibility for it. Don’t expect every detail to be spoon-fed into your mouth. You are considered a mature student who is now able to think independently. Advice
10 E-learning web All materials related to the course will be posted there. Forum, lecture notes, course info, important date, announcement, exam/test solution, attendance, coursework or final exam results, etc. Almost everything is there. Book mark the page and check it as frequent as possible to avoid regret (the latest info / update will be announced there).
11 Lecture notes (with problem sets) are downloadable from e-learning. Read them before come to the class. Learn to master the basic internet technology: online chat, downloading, uploading, ing Use the forum e-learning as a platform to communicate and discussion – strongly advised. Interactive learning is strongly encouraged – ing, Q&A on class, in private, by phone, forum on the web etc. Feedback to me on the e-learning forum. E-learning web
12 Please challenge me
13 Questions?