Step #1: Create the format and the headings
Step #2: Skim the reading. Write an Essential Question – the BIG QUESTION for the section.
Step #3: Take notes on the right side A.Read several paragraphs or a section, IN CONTEXT. Highlight. *Add important reading from the text. –Use abbreviations if possible. –Use indentations to show subtopics, bullets, arrows. –Leave spaces between ideas so you can fill in more later. *Add details, not just vocab. *Add diagrams
Step #4: Review and revise *Underline and highlight *Add more info if needed *Mark any info that you have questions on *Note key ideas to develop the questions that you will use on the left side of the note..
Step #5: Recall (left side) Recalling what you wrote in your notes, write questions in the Recall column of your notes to quiz yourself on the material. –Write your questions as close as possible to the beginning of the section in your notes you are quizzing yourself on. –Write a question for each new idea presented in your notes. -- Use the questions to test yourself on quizzes and tests.
Step #6: Summary *The summary is added at the end of each major section of the notes. *Add the summary after the questions are finished. *The summary should answer the “Essential Questions” that started off the notes.
Step #7: Reflect Reflect on possible test questions and mark unclear points. Helps in making sense of your notes by finding relationships and order in the material. Try to put ideas in categories & tie old material to the new. Think about which points will appear on tests & highlight any unclear points so you can ask questions about them before the next lecture.