What is the difference between categorical and quantitative data?
Objective: SWBAT review for their first quiz
Reminder Your first quiz will take place on Wednesday!!! All slides, including ones for review, have been placed on the school website. 8_/uchenna_ngwudo/Statistics/
What is Statistics? Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.data
Data Values of categorical or quantitative variables. quantitativevariables
Sankofa Rewind: The 5 W’s The WQuestion Answered WhoThe individuals or objects being observed WhatVariables observed (Quantitative or Categorical) WhenWhen observers collected the data WhereWhere the observations took place WhyWhy the observers have collected the data
Population The term "population" represents all possible measurements or outcomes that are of interest in a particular study. Sample The term "sample" refers to a portion of the population that was studied.
Variables QUANTITATIVE Variables: measure either how much or how many of something. CATEGORICAL Variables: name categories or answer questions about how cases fall.
A frequency table is a table that lists items and uses tally marks to record and show the number of times they occur. Frequency Table We record totals and category names.
Relative frequency tables display the data using the calculated percentages from our proportions. Frequency Table
Bar Chart A bar chart displays the distribution of a categorical variable, and shows the count for each category. A relative frequency bar chart displays the percentage of each category.
A bad picture can distort your understanding of data. The area principle states that the area occupied by a part of a graph should correspond to the size of the value it represents. The Area Principle
Line Graphs Line graphs depict changes in quantities over time.
Pie charts, used to display categorical data, slices a circle into pieces whose sizes are proportional to the fraction of the whole in each category. Pie Charts (Circle Graph)