1 Photogrammetry of TT7
2 Front view Distribution of all targets All the plots are in the magnet reference system
3 Top view Distribution of all targets Magnet TT7, zoom in next page
4 Yellow plate 2.6 mm Yellow plate Endcaps Surface Endcaps holes Endcaps Surface 2 mm Planarity of yellow plate and top endcaps improved with respect to TT10
5 HSB VSB Top EC Bottom EC Yellow plate L EC R EC Top view ZOOM
6 General side view VSB HSB Bottom ECTop EC Yellow plate Rigth EC Left EC
7 Endcaps and Croisillions Top View Croisillions R EC L EC Top EC Bottom EC
8 Endcaps and Croisillions Side View Bottom EC Top EC Croisillions Rigth EC Left EC 10 mm
The points just at the borders of the horizontal end-caps (green boxes) have been included and corrected by 3 mm along the beam coordinate to take into account the thickness of the end-cap Definition of the horizontal slices, front view Top Bottom Y Left Rigth X
10 Slice 1 (very top) Y vs X Z vs X Magnet BorexinoBottom Top This line is just put to guide the eyes Front view of the slices Top view of the slices Punching effect of the croisillions
Z vs X Y vs X
Slice 12 Very bottom Y vs X Z vs X
13 Left Rigth Bottom Top Magnet Borexino X Y Z Point of maximal deformation at the center, where there is the max of the bending both along the short and the long side. These points are corresponding to the red bands in the table of the previous slides Bending along the long side Bending along the short side Typical deformation of one horizontal module NB: the axis system is left handed, this comes from the fact that is just a redefinition of the one from the photogrammetry which is rigth- handed but with different axis naming X(photo) -> X Y(photo) -> Z Z(photo) -> Y
Surface representation of the measured points, system corrected for the non verticality of the magnet Max spread in the beam Coordinate of the measured points, 20.4 mm
15 Top Bottom Rock Gallery Rock Bottom Top Gallery Rock Top Bottom Top Gallery Rock
16 RockGallery Top Bottom 3 Top Gallery Rock 3 Top Bottom Top Bottom TT7 TT10 TT7 has non planarity effects different than TT10
17 Wall volume
18 Conclusions on TT7: 1) Yellow plate flatness and alignment of top EC improved with respect to TT10 2) Non planarity effects at the level (or slightly worse than TT10) with a different shape
19 X Y Z Magnet Borexino GalleryRock Top Bottom Definition of the « rails » reference system for the TDA5005
20 Wires NO Wires Turnbuckles Yellow plate The yellow plate with the wires had a sagitta of about 12 mm. By removing the wires this sagitta increased by 3 mm and the gallery side of the yellow plate moved by 4 mm towards Borexino The points measured on the turnbuckles practically did not move +3 mm +4 mm Gallery Rock Nominal position Of the yellow plate surface in the Target z=3891.8
21 Wires zz zz Turnbuckles Turnbuckles (very small movements) Turnbuckles Gallery Rock Movement of the Yellow plate and tilt at the center Difference in Z wires/NO wires Z of all the points with the wires tensioned
22 Wires NO Wires ENDCAPS Gallery Rock Gallery Rock 3 points (at the middle, left and right were adjusted on the bottom endcaps in order to have the same Z as the top endcaps. The adjustment for the point at the gallery side was lost by accident (link not tigthened enough) due to an internal tension, this worsened after releasing the wires The top EC had a sagitta of 6 mm which became 9 mm after releasing the wires +3 mm GalleryRockGalleryRock
23 Wires NO Wires Gallery Rock Gallery Rock The horizontal modules endcaps have as usual a sagitta oriented in the direction of the magnet, when the tension of the wires is released the sagitta is sligthly reduced for the endcaps of the gallery side (the side where the top and bottom were not aligned) while they moved by 5 mm at the bottom and 2 mm at the top in the direction of Borexino Bottom Top +4.5 mm +2 mm
24 GalleryRock Difference in Z wires/NO wires Z of all the points with the wires tensioned +5 mm +2 mm Gallery Rock Gallery Top Bottom Top Bottom Top
25 Wires NO Wires The points on the surface had an increase in sagitta up to 5-6 mm The non planarity of the plane is around 15 mm GalleryRockGalleryRock GalleryRockGalleryRock
26 Difference in Z vs X wires/NO wires Z vs X of all the points with the wires tensioned The maximal increase of sagitta takes place at the middle of the detector the minimum at the rock side GalleryRockGalleryRock GalleryRock
27 Wires NO Wires Seen from the side the points on the surface have a sagitta in the direction of the magnet Bottom Top Bottom Top GalleryRockGalleryRock
28 Wires Difference in Z vs X and Y wires/NO wires The maximal increase of sagitta takes place in correspondence to the second horizontal module from the top Bottom Top Bottom Top GalleryRock GalleryRock Z vs Y of all the points with the wires tensioned
29 Top Bottom Rock Gallery The points in the red regions by removing the wires moved in the direction of Borexino by 5-6 mm, the points in the blue regions practically did not move Endcaps Turnbukles Yellow plate Difference in Z wires/nowires 3D ANALYSIS OF THE DIFFERENCES WIRES/NO WIRES
30 Top Bottom Rock Gallery Top Rock Gallery Rock Gallery Borexino Magnet Top Gallery Magnet Borexino Bottom Magnet Borexino Rock Bottom The points in the red regions by removing the wires moved in the direction of Borexino up to 6 mm -6 mm
31 Pillars Top EC Bottom EC after alignment and clamping Yellow plate surface Side EC Points on the surface Wires at 0 tension, Base clamped for verticality 10 mm Rock Gallery
32 Pillars (bottom) Pillars top Bottom EC TOP EC Lateral EC Yellow plate Surface points (12 per module) Wires at 0 tension, Base clamped for verticality Side view Bottom TOP
33 EC Turnbuckle reg. Effect of going from 0 tension to 40 Kg Clamps released Effect of tensioning the wires at 40 Kg (shown on one slice)
34 Conclusions TT12 wires/nowires 1)A little effect is seen on the yellow plate deformation due to the wires (already with the wires tensioned the sagitta was 12 mm and it increased by 3 mm by releasing the wires) 2)We aligned the top and bottom endcaps in 3 points at the same Z but the point at the rigth moved by 8 mm due to some internal forces of the plane which likes to go in a skew position. This effect further increased when releasing the wires 3)On the surface points the effect of removing the wires increased the bump by about 6 mm on the contrary of what we observed on the mounting arch !