The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation ADQ, INSPIRE and Metadata AIXM 5.1 Seminar
2 INTEROP Regulation, ADQ IR, EUROCONTROL Specifications… Interoperability Regulation (552/2004) in the context of Single European Sky (SES) objective of ensuring the interoperability of the European ATM Network Aeronautical Data Quality Implementing Rule (ADQ IR) No 73/2010 requirements on the quality of aeronautical data & information EUROCONTROL Specifications For ADQ1 Electronic AIP (eAIP) Data Quality Requirements (DQR) Data Assurance Levels (DAL) Aeronautical Information Exchange (AIX) Data Origination (DO)
3 Aeronautical Data Quality (ADQ) ADQ 1 ADQ 2
4 ADQ 1Approach “[REQ-DS-001] the regulated party shall declare the common data set specification that they use for the activities that fall in the scope of the ADQ IR.” AIXM 5.1 related content Existing documentation and standard for the technical details
5 INSPIRE Directive and IRs INSPIRE Directive create a European Union (EU) spatial data infrastructure sharing of environmental spatial information among public sector organisations better facilitate public access to spatial information across Europe Implementing Rules on: Metadata Data Specifications Network Services Data and Service Sharing Monitoring and Reporting Lots of (non-binding) Guidance material D2.3 D2.5
6 Impact on us Metadata INSPIRE metadata has been incorporated into OGC Discussion Paper – “Requirements for Aviation Metadata” Data Specifications Transport Networks Elevation Buildings
7 Transport Network Theme: Air
10 Metadata allows… Data to be found Starts interoperability Decision making based on Quality Relevance Time Geography
11 Aviation Metadata Requirements 1. Requirements: 2. Guidance
13 Requirements: Identification Resource Title This is a characteristic, and often unique, name by which the resource is known. The value domain of this metadata element is free text. [Source: INSPIRE IR (1.1)] Resource Abstract This is a brief narrative summary of the content of the resource. The value domain of this metadata element is free text. [Source: INSPIRE IR (1.2)] Resource Language The language(s) used within the resource. The value domain of this metadata element is limited to the languages defined in ISO [Source: INSPIRE IR (1.7)]
14 Guidance: Identification
15 Incorporated into AIXM ISO ISO 19139
16 ISO Metadata
17 ISO XML schema implementation
18 Metadata can be at different levels Message Feature Timeslice
19 OGC – Test Bed (OWS-9) Engineering Reports (ER) -> Metadata requirements refinement To be followed-up!
20 Thank you for your attention!