Earth Processes and Rock Layers
Mountain Building Mountain building occurs when 2 continental plates of equal densities collide. – The plates crush together, causing land to be pushed up and break. Mountain building changes the shape of Earth’s surface.
Erosion Erosion is the wearing away of material through wind and water. The process of erosion can expose (uncover) layers of rock.
Mountains and Erosion Over time all mountains will crumble through erosion. Mountain peaks will eventually become rounded hills.
Glaciers Glaciers are slow moving masses of ice formed from compacted layers of snow. Glaciers move and change with temperature change, gravity, and high pressure. Glaciers carve out mountains. Glaciers move rocks out of mountains.
Changes to Earth’s Surface Erosion, mountain building, and glacier movement change the surface of the Earth and earth materials to form layers. Rock layers are used to show the geologic time and history of the Earth.
Rocks and Geologic Time The observation and study of rock layers is used for the measurement of geologic time. The earth has distinct layers of rock – The rock layers show a progression of organisms from layer to layer
Principle of Superposition – The oldest layer is on the bottom, then each layer up is younger, with the youngest layer being on the top – This is because sediment is deposited on top of previously existing sediment.
Relative Dating Relative dating can be used to estimate the order of prehistoric and geologic events This happens by observing where fossils are found in layers of rock – The oldest rock layers contain the oldest fossils and the youngest rock layers contain the youngest fossils – A fossil must have existed at the time when the rock layer was formed, which is how we can tell
Relative Dating