Collaborators within DK-Planck community Lung-Yih Chiang (NBI) Andrei Doroshkevich (TAC,ASC FIRAN) Per Rex Christensen (NBI) Igor D. Novikov ( NBI) Pavel.


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Presentation transcript:

Collaborators within DK-Planck community Lung-Yih Chiang (NBI) Andrei Doroshkevich (TAC,ASC FIRAN) Per Rex Christensen (NBI) Igor D. Novikov ( NBI) Pavel D. Naselsky ( NBI) Oleg V. Verhodanov (TAC,SAO RAN) H..U Norgaard -Nielsen, DSRC

Non-Gaussianity of the CMB sky P.Naselsky NBI, the PLANCK scientist Why the issue of Non-Gaussianity is important for development of cosmology ?

“BIG BANG” Ω ≈1 n≈0.97 Gaussianity!! P(δ)dδ~exp(-δ ²/2σ²)dδ Non-linear development of the quantum fluctuation Non-Gaussianity!!

Transition from primordial (Gaussian) fluctuations to non-linear structures (galaxies, clusters and LSS ) change statistical properties of the adiabatic perturbations.

Picture of the Quantum fluctuations from Inflation in radio waves

Definition of the power spectra Definition of the power spectra Gaussian or non-Gaussian Gaussian only !

Cosmology before WMAP

The temperature anisotropy and temperature polarization cross power spectrum Precision cosmology !!!

BOOMERANG, MAXIMA-1,CBI,ARCHEOPS,VSA,DASI, BIMA +……. SN1a, 2dF,He,D… CMB Ω h =0.02 ! b 2 WMAP +……. SN1a, 2dF,He, D WHY NOT FOR US ? Cosmologyof Cosmology of the XX century the XX century

Important question is WHY? Dark matter density Dark energy density ≈1/3 1/ π ? (D=3)/(D=10) ? What about Extra dimensions ? Topology ? Baryonic matter density Dark matter density ? Baryosynthesis? Cosmologyof the XXI century Cosmology of the XXI century

Development of Cosmology and High energy physics Dark energy Dark matter Baryonic matter } Φ(x, t)=Ψ(x, t)* exp [iΛ(x, t)] exp [iΛ(x, t)] S.Bonometto et al,2004,2005

Non linear theory of dark energy-dark matter coupling coupling Link between adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations Weak Non-Gaussianity of the CMB Reionization of the cosmic plasma by the first quasars, galaxies, and stars

300 Mpc 3Mpc Reionization


Two news from the WMAP data analysis team ) Komatsu et al, 2003 (WMAP team ) 2. The CMB signal is non- Gaussian non- Gaussian

WMAP map: Gaussian by WMAP science team with 95% CL  f   f 

, Non-Gaussianity is not a dog!” Ya.B.Zel’dovich Ya.B.Zel’dovich ΔΦΔΦ f*ΔΦΔΦ

The definition of Gaussianity

Methods of detection of Non-Gaussianity in the WMAP sky Image domainMultipoles domain 1.Peak statistics 2. Minkowski functionals 3. Wavelets 4.Curvature distribution 5.Non-uniformity of the power spectra distribution over patches of the sky 6.Skiwness and kurtosis 7. Bispectrum ……………. 1.Phases analysis (trigonometric moments of phases, phase cross-correlations, Pearson’s random walk statistic, 2.Minkowski vectors 3. Cooper's statistic for phases WMAP signal is Non-Gaussian is Non-Gaussian

FOREGROUNS + instrumental noise+ systematic effects

CMB maps derived from the WMAP data ILC l<100 FCM l<512 WFM l<512 ErFM l<512 NOT FOR INVESTIGA- INVESTIGA- TION OF THE CMB !!!?? CMB !!!??

Image analysis for non-Gaussianity test Pixel by pixel

Foregrounds ? FCM-ErFCM ILC-ErFCM ILC-WFM V band l=400

WMAP KP masks

Asymmetry of the CMB power

*South-north asymmetry of the COBE and the WMAP signals. Global anisotropy of the Universe. NEP SEP WHY ?


L<512 NON-CMB L<100 L<30

Alignment of the low multipoles Schwarz et al,2004

Gaussian Random Fields Strict definition of Gaussianity: They possess Fourier modes whose real and imaginary parts are independently distributed and both Gaussian, Weak definition of Gaussianity : random phase hypothesis the Fourier phases are uniformly random between 0 and  (by Central Limit Theorem)

transformed Planck Planck satellite and transformed Planck have the same power spectrum (same |  k | ), they have different “faces” due to different phases: It is phase  k that keep Max’s face, not amplitude |  k | !! Planck satellite Max Planck FT -1 [ ] |  k | exp(i  k ) |k||k|exp(i  k )

Asymmetry of the WMAP phases

Foreground-cleaned map ℓ m

Asymmetry of the WMAP phases L-1,L+1 correlation through m- direction M-1,M correlation through - L direction ILC WTOH TOH NO Evidence of Primordial Magnetic Field ! Naselsky, Verkhodanov, Novikov,Olesen,Chiang,ApJ,2004

Non-Gaussianity of the WMAP. WHY ?

Primordial (Inflation ?) Foregrounds + systematic NON-GAUSSIANITY NEW PHYSICS S= G + NG  f 

Summary Residues of the foregrounds separation Chiang,Naselsky, Verkhodanov and Way,ApJ.Lett2003; Naselsky, Doroshkevich and Verkhodanov,ApJ.Lett,2003; Naselsky, Doroshkevich and Verkhodanov,MNRAS,2004; Park, MNRAS,2004; Eriksen, D.Novikov, Lille,Gorski, ApJ,2004 ; Naselsky, Verkhodanov, Novikov,Olesen,Chiang,ApJ,2004,… 2. Systematic effects Hansen, Vittorio,ApJ.Lett.2004 (+) Vielva et al,MNRAS, 2004 (-) 3. Primordial Bershadskii, Skrinevasan, Phys.Lett.,2003;2004 (magnetic field) Vielva et al,MNRAS, 2004 Hansen, Bandy, Gorski,MNRAS,2004 Wandelt,ApJ.Lett,2004

Non-Gaussianity is not a dog!” Ya.B.Zel’dovich Sorry!