Be Prepared!!! Grab a packet Today we will... Discuss Fur Trapping in the West Understand the origin of Mountain Men Begin talking about the Oregon Trail
Chapter 13 Section 1 Vocabulary (Pgs ) Oregon County – Mountain Man – Rugged Individualist – Rendezvous – Oregon Trail – HOMEWORK
Chapter 13 – Westward Expansion Fur Trappers in the Far West Kind of looks like an 8 th grade social studies teacher we all know, doesn’t it?
1. At first only a handful of E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ traveled to Oregon Country and most were F_ _ Traders. Furs could be sold for huge profits in C_ _ _ _, so merchants from N_ _ E_ _ _ _ _ _ stopped along the O_ _ _ _ _ coast before crossing the P_ _ _ _ _ _. Europeans Americans Fur China New England Oregon Pacific
2. Very few T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ settled in Oregon. Known as M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ M_ _, they hiked through the region’s F_ _ _ _ _ _, trapping animals and living off the L_ _ _. 3. Mountain men were known as, R_ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, people who follow their own I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ course in life. Trappers Mountain Man ForestsLand Rugged Individualists Independent
4. On the bottom is a traditional New Englander and on the top is a mountain man from out west. List 4 differences in their appearance: A. B. C. D. 5. Why do you think there is such a drastic difference in appearance between these two men? A.Facial Hair B.Coats C.Belt/Tie D.Hat
6. They led D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lives because the L_ _ _, C_ _ _ winters demanded special S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ skills. In the forest, mountain men had to watch out for animals that might A_ _ _ _ _ and food was S_ _ _ _ _. 7. Trappers often spent winters in N_ _ _ _ _ A_ _ __ _ _ villages learning T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and H_ _ _ _ _ _ skills. DangerousLong ColdSurvival Attack Scarce Native American TrappingHunting
8. In the F_ _ _ and S_ _ _ _ _, mountain men tended their T_ _ _ _. In J_ _ _, they went into the W_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to meet with fur traders at a place chosen the year before called the R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, meaning “ G_ _ - T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ”. FallSpring TrapsJuly Wilderness Rendezvous Get-Together
9. The first day of the Rendezvous was a time for E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and then trappers and traders would settle down to B_ _ _ _ _ _. 10. By the late 1830s, the fur trade was D_ _ _ _ out because B_ _ _ _ _ _ were becoming scarce and beaver H_ _ _ went out of style. 11. Mountain men began then to find new uses for their skills, like L_ _ _ _ _ _ settlers across rugged mountain trails in O_ _ _ _ _. Entertainment Bargain Dying Beavers Hats Leading Oregon
Below is a map of Oregon Country in Using the information provided, label the map with key parts of what would become the Oregon Trail, created and traveled by fur trappers and mountain men in the 1840s and 50s. Use the descriptions for clues of where each point is located on the map. Be sure to read ALL of the points and their descriptions BEFORE you begin labeling.
The Oregon Trail is the only major trail in the United States that was first traveled in a west to east direction.
Oregon-Mormon-California Trail
Independence Rock is a large granite rock, in southwestern Natrona County, Wyoming. During the middle of the 19th century, the rock was a well-known landmark on the Oregon, Mormon, and California emigrant trails. Many of these emigrants carved their names on the rock, and it was described by early missionary and explorer Father Pierre-Jean De Smet in 1840 as the Register of the Desert.
Oregon-Mormon-California Trail Independence Rock
The site of what is now the city of The Dalles was a major Native American trading center for at least 10,000 years. In the early 1840s American settlers began to arrive in significant numbers, traveling overland via the Oregon Trail. The trail ended at The Dalles. It was not possible to take wagons farther west due to steep cliffs that fell straight into the Columbia River.
Oregon-Mormon-California Trail Independence Rock The Dalles
The Whitmans’ mission was important to early Oregon Trail travelers. Those who were sick, tired, or hungry or who needed a wagon fixed would make the side trip to the mission. Some would spend the winter with the Whitmans before continuing on to the Willamette Valley.
Oregon-Mormon-California Trail Independence Rock The Dalles Whitman Mission
Named after a major expedition investor, Henry Hall, Fort Hall stood contained many wooden storehouses for traders unable to unload all of their goods at the rendezvous. At Fort Hall, the Oregon and California trails diverged in northwesterly and southwesterly directions.
Oregon-Mormon-California Trail Independence Rock The Dalles Whitman Mission Fort Hall
Oregon City was the first permanent Euro-American settlement in the Willamette Valley and the first incorporated city west of the Rocky Mountains. Founded in 1829 and incorporated in 1844, it first became the home to fur traders and missionaries. As “the end of the Oregon Trail,” it soon became the final destination for many early immigrants.
Oregon-Mormon-California Trail Independence Rock The Dalles Whitman Mission Fort Hall Oregon City
The city is named for the hundreds of natural springs of carbonated water that are located in and around the city. The springs were well known to Native Americans. Located in present-day southeastern Idaho, the city is also known as the location of the Soda Spring Geyser, which was unleashed in 1934 when "town fathers" were looking for hot water for a "hot pool" bathing attraction. SODA? I like soda
Oregon-Mormon-California Trail Independence Rock The Dalles Whitman Mission Fort Hall Oregon City Soda Springs
The overland Astor Expedition are believed to have been the first whites to explore the future site of the first Fort Boise while searching for a suitable location for a fur trading post in Located on the border between Oregon and Idaho, Thomas McKay, a veteran leader of the annual Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) Snake Country brigades, built Fort Boise.
Oregon-Mormon-California Trail Independence Rock The Dalles Whitman Mission Fort Hall Oregon City Soda Springs Fort Boise
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