Astronomy Earth’s Moon
Bellwork In 1998, the Lunar Prospect mission showed that there could be water on our moon. The craters near the poles may contain as much as 300 million metric tons of ice. The ice can only exist in the shadowed regions because the daytime temps can reach 134 degrees Celsius. In your notebook write at least one paragraph describing a how we could capture some of the ice and bring it back to Earth.
Moon Facts Revolves around the earth 1 rotation around earth is 27.3 days 1 rotation on its axis is also 27.3 days This is the reason why we only see 1 side of the moon. Shines by reflecting sunlight from its surface
Phases and Rotation of the Moon
What are Moon Phases? Changing appearances of the moon as seen from earth. Phase depends on relative positions of the moon, earth and sun. Moon phases cycle takes 29.5 days
PhasesTerms Waxing- Phase when sunlit face is getting bigger Waning- Phase when sunlit face is getting smaller Gibbous- Phase when more the half of it face is showing. Crescent- Phase when a ¼ of it’s face is showing Crescent- Phase when a ¼ of it’s face is showing Full- Phase when all of moons face is lit
Phases of the moon
New Moon Not seen
Why is a new moon not seen? The reason we don't see any light on the moon during a new moon is because the far side of the moon is getting all the light, while the side we see is cast completely in shadow. When we have a full moon it's because the moon is facing us AND the sun, so we see its light reflected fully. The other phases are the stages in between.
Waxing Crescent After new moon, more and more of moon is visible. Banana shaped
1 st Quarter Half is seen
Waxing Gibbous ¾ is seen
Full Moon All is seen
Waning Gibbous ¾ is seen After the full moon, less is visible
last Quarter Left Half is seen
Waning Crescent Banana shaped
Waxing Crescent First Quarter Full Moon Waxing Gibbous Last Quarter Waning Gibbous Waning Crescent New Moon
Eclipses How do eclipses occur? Revolution of the moon causes them Occur when earth or moon temporarily block the sunlight from reaching the other
Eclipses can occur only when the sun, moon and earth are perfectly lined up. When can eclipses occur?
Moon moves Between Sun and earth What is a Solar Eclipse?
Effects of Motion Solar Eclipse – When the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth causing the Moon’s shadow to fall on the Earth.
What is a Lunar Eclipse? Earth moves between the moon and the sun
Lunar Eclipse – When the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon causing the Earth’s shadow to fall on the Moon.
Lunar EclipseLunar Eclipse on March 3, 2007
Igneous rocks of the maria are thought to be 3-4 billion years old (youngest rocks found on moon surface).
Theories about the moon‘s origin 1.Captured by earths vicinity 2.Condensed from loose material surrounding earth during early formation of the solar system 3.Blob of molten material was ejected from earth while earth was still in its early molten stage
Apollo missions led many scientists to support the impact theory - Moon was formed 4.6 billion years ago when a Mars-sized object collided with earth. Gas and debris was thrown into orbit then condensed into a single mass, forming the moon.
Origins of the Moon
Surface of the Moon
The Formation of the Moon Section 4 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.