SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS Zespół Szkół Nr 8 in Żory Poland 13 – 16 may 2013 r.
WHAT SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS ARE AND WHOM DO CONCERN? Special education needs according to M. Bogdanowicz refer to this group of pupils which cannot cope with demands for generally applicable educational programmes.
WHAT SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS ARE AND WHOM DO CONCERN? They have much greater problems in the learning than their peers.
WHAT SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS ARE AND WHOM DO CONCERN? They are able to carry the learning on, but need the pedagogic aid in the form of the special programme of teaching and bringing up, special methods, adapted for their needs, possibility and restrictions.
WHAT SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS ARE AND WHOM DO CONCERN? They should be taught by the specialist pedagogic staff in base appropriate conditions at considering different organizational solutions.
SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS CONCERN CHILDREN Of sick persons lengthily (diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, depression, cystic fibrosis), With dyslexia (dysgraphia, dysortography, dyskalkulia), With disorders of the linguistic transport (mutism, Tourette syndrome),
SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS CONCERN CHILDREN Particularly talented, Unsuited socially, Being in a contingency or traumatic, Neglected environmentally, With adaptive problems (cultural differences, environmental change).
HOW CAN WE HELP THEM? rehabilitacion, compensatory didactical classes, speech therapy, psychotherapy, sociotherapy, By organising such classes on school grounds as: revalidation.