Dr. J. Scott Deiter FLC Chair Agency Briefing Oct. 27, 2009
New Board Members Vice Chair: Theresa Baus, NUWC Division Newport Finance Officer: Mary Archuleta, Air Force Research Laboratory
New Board Members Regional Coordinators Mid-Continent: Susan Sprake, LANL Northeast: Lew Meixler, PPPL Southeast: Andrew Watkins, CDC
New Board Members Members-at-Large Vic Chavez, ARS Eastern Regional Research Center Roshni Kurian, NSA Mark Reeves, ORNL Tom Stackhouse, National Cancer Institute
2010 Elections National - Nominating Committee Chair: Mark Reeves - Positions Finance Officer Recording Secretary 3 Members-at-Large Regional - Regional Nominating Chairs TBD - Positions Far West (RC, Deputy) Mid-Atlantic (RC, Deputy) Midwest (RC, Deputy)
Recent successes: Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) was matched with several DOD laboratories with technologies related to detecting, analyzing and/or defeating explosives and other threats, particularly ballistic resistant materials The FLC Locator notified 10 federal laboratories with expertise in coating technologies of a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) from the U.S. Army Armaments Research, Development, and Engineering Center (ARDEC) expressing interest in advancing the state of the art in corrosion abatement, prevention and mitigation FLC Technology Locator
Recent successes (cont.): Vardex Laser Solutions, LLC was connected with the Laser Applications Laboratory at Argonne National Laboratory for detailed testing of a novel high-speed laser marking system that can help DOD in implementing Item Unique Identification (IUID) Standards Long-life micro battery manufacturing technologies at NASA, NIST, LLNL and Sandia were requested by the Central New York Technology Development Organization for Widetronix, Inc. A New Jersey startup energy company was provided with potential sources to assist with developing efficient gearing system for wind-generated energy systems FLC Technology Locator
Recent successes (cont.): Solar energy technologies available for licensing at NREL were provided to the Minnesota Office of Science & Technology A company interested in licensing lithium-ion technology was matched with Argonne National Lab A world renowned manufacturer of chandeliers was introduced to light emitting diode technologies available for licensing at Sandia FLC Technology Locator
Recent Activities Presentations to: - Triple Helix Institution on Innovation - National Foundation for Women Legislators Interview with BusinessWeek SmallBiz FY2007 Annual Report Regional Meetings Attended: - Far West/Mid-Continent: San Francisco, Calif. - Mid-Atlantic: Gettysburg, Pa.
Recent Activities MOUs signed with SPIE and NASVF Enhance communication among member agencies and their laboratories Promote and facilitate technical cooperation between federal laboratories and U.S. industry and academia Leverage R&D investments Collaborate with local, state, regional and national organizations that promote technical cooperation Expand reach of message through cross- promotion and trade shows
Recent Activities Regional Contract Consolidation All regional support unified under one contract Seamless transition Cost avoidance of over $30,000 Increases efficiency from contracting perspective Increases efficiency of efforts (e.g., websites, newsletters, etc.) Provides centralization of planning and strategy while remaining local in presence and execution
Future Plans FY2008 Annual Report – to be delivered 12/31/09 Present at TTIPT – Nov EB meeting – Jan. 2010, Atlanta, Ga. Attend Southeast regional meeting – Jan. 2010, Naples, Fla. Attend Northeast regional meeting – March 2010, West Point, N.Y.
Dr. J. Scott Deiter Naval Surface Warfare Center-Indian Head Division