Renew Our Purpose: To renew our attitude towards worship to God.


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Presentation transcript:

Renew Our Purpose: To renew our attitude towards worship to God.

Real renewal How’s worship? Do we need renewal? How does one renew worship? – Lighting, songs, no announcements, shorter sermons? Real renewal begins and ultimately succeeds with the individual—you and me. – Understanding – Preparation – Participation

Better understanding of worship John 4:24. Spirit and truth. Proskuneo: To kneel or prostrate oneself before a person, kiss the feet, the hem of a garment, the ground, etc. Latreuo: To serve or worship, minister to, render religious service or homage, offer gifts, etc.

Better understanding of worship Inner attitude (proskuneo) and external acts (latreuo) must not be separated. “You shall worship (proskuneo) the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve (latreuo) Matt. 4:10. 1 Cor. 14:15, 19. Understanding is key. Mark 7:6-13. God’s way. Understand our need and purpose in worship.

Better preparation for worship Are we prepared to worship God most days? We prepare by living correctly. Matt. 5:23-25; Isa. 59:1-2. Sin prevents worship. Psalm 24:3-5. God’s will is to be at the heart of our lives. Matt. 22:37-40.

Better preparation for worship Our approach to God is to be one of humility, reverence, awe and a clean heart. Psalm 51:10. Are we prepared to worship God? Or has routine ritual replaced heartfelt worship?

More participation in worship How will you participate in worship? This is a time for participants, not spectators. It is not a show or performance. It is worship to God. Be actively engaged. Sacrifice of praise (Heb. 13:15), edification (1 Cor. 14:26), sing (1 Cor. 14:15), pray, learn.

More participation in worship Distractions will appear. – Cell phones, babies, notes, daydreams, worries, critiques of leaders, personal concerns, etc. Block them out or deal with them. Remember your purpose for worship. Focus on participation. Actively engaged in the worship.

Conclusion We should offer quality worship in song, prayers, the lesson, etc. Ultimately it is about each of us, as individuals, focusing on God, entering prepared to worship, ready and willing to participate as we humbly submit our worship to our Creator. Let’s renew our worship!