Why Conserve Swainson’s Hawks?. Two Reasons Endangered Species Act –Section 2080 –Incidental take permit –HCP CEQA –Mandatory finding of significance.


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Presentation transcript:

Why Conserve Swainson’s Hawks?

Two Reasons Endangered Species Act –Section 2080 –Incidental take permit –HCP CEQA –Mandatory finding of significance.

California Endangered Species Act Section 2080 of the Fish and Game Code prohibits "take" of any species that the commission determines to be a threatened or endangered species. Section 2081 allows Take of listed species for activities that are otherwise lawful.

Potential for incidental “take”

Disturbance could lead to abandonment and “take”

CEQA – DFG is a Trustee Agency No Land-use Authority Advise the Lead Agent Ensure Conservation of the Species Aid in recovery

Loss of Habitat for a Listed Species is a Significant Effect

Where should we Conserve Swainson’s Hawks?

State-wide Decline ( Historic from Bloom, 1979)

Heart of Swainson's Hawk range in the Central Valley

Where do we Conserve Swainson’s Hawks? Avoid Planned Growth areas. Proximity to Impacts Occupied habitat (known nests). Suitable Habitat. Adjacent to Existing Preserves

Potential Mitigation Areas