Domain, , Web hosting and Web design
Domain Name Domain name is a unique name given to concern company or entrepreneur while registration of company name, self name to identify globally. This domain name will have unique IP address which is recorded by Internet source to identify customer name for user to access. Domain name has two parts, first is company name and other is extension. Original extension and now more than 40 extensions are available and we can select best as per company type. But we would suggest as first choice.
Advantages of having Company own domain Easier for people to find Gives a more professional image You can keep the name for years to come Easier to get your site registered with search engines Better position in some search engine listings Web Sites – example is as
The Benefits of having a Website 1.Increased awareness of products and services 2.Freedom to advertise your company information without worrying 3.Cost advantage 4.Gain a larger clienteles 5.Educate consumers about your business 6.Increase customer confidence 7.24 hour global presence 8.Keep your clients updated 9.Improve communication with customers 10.To have an edge over your competitors 11.Provide convenient support to your customers 12.Improve business and customer relationship
The advantages of having on Domain 1. is effective in providing quick answers. 2. is effective in finding the right person in an organisation or company. 3. is good to make appointments for busy people. 4. can distribute information quickly to many people simultaneously. 5.Branding: Using your own domain name and associated with your domain name enables you to have an opportunity to promote your business. 6.Even if the ISP changes, your ID will remain the same. 7.Personal ID may get blocked by ISP for virus issues. This will always remain with company name and account. Professional Business - public s ID as
Web Site design and hosting Web sites are of two types Static and Dynamic. a.Dynamic is normally used for interactive requirement and applications such as online payments, ticket booking etc. b.Static web site is used for normal advertisement which may change monthly/quarterly. Web contents can be changed as and when required.
Domain NameHome PageButtons (add Pages)