+ Psychological disorder project Post traumatic stress disorder.
+ P.T.S.D is a type of anxiety disorder. It means that someone that has P.T.S.D has continual worry, nervousness and panic. They also have problems frantic anticipation and can suffer debilitating attacks. What is P.T.S.DWhat dose it mean
+ The thoughts, feelings, and behaviors characterized by this disorder is? Someone with P.T.S.D builds a sense of helplessness or horror. They also show a sense of numb, unreal, or detached amnesia about the tramatic event. They also reexperience ther truamatic event in images, dreams, and flashbacks episodes. They also go to extremes just to avoid things that remind them of the horrible event.
+ What thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are characterized by the disorder? They also have sleeping difficulties and concentration difficulties. They are also easily irritated and easily startled by minor noise or disruptions. They also have consistant anger out burst and exagerated startle responses.
+ The criteria for diagnosis according to the DSM-4-TR is? ‘’This pattern of behavior must be chronic and pervasive, affecting many different aspects of individuals life, including social funtioning,work, shcool, and close relationships.’’ ‘’That person must exibit symptoms that affect two or more of the following ares, thoughts, emotions, interpersonal funtioning, and impulse control. There patterns of behavior must also be stable across time and have onset that can be traced back to adolescence or early adulthood. These behaviors cannot be explianed by any other mental disorders, substace abuse, or medical condition.
+ What various forms of treatment used for people with this disorder? Taking an antidepresant and anti-anxirty medications can help relive symptoms. Grief support/counseling Behavoral and cognitive behavoral therapy to help deal with anxiety symptoms. Group therapy with other P.T.S.D patients. Exposure therapy (such as desensitization and imaginal flooding)
+ The probable course or outcome of the disorder is? People will seem to live a life full of uncontrolable worry. They also seem to live a life with panic attacks. They also live with high levels of stress. Someone with P.T.S.D is more likley to have more mental disorders. Someone with P.T.S.D is more likley to have health problems like pian, diabetes, obesity, heart problems, respiratory problems, and sexual dysfunctions.
+ What are the chances of recovery from P.T.S.D? The chances of recovering from P.T.S.D are very slim.
+ Citing artcal [no author],[no author],[no author].([no year of publication]).[Acute stress disorder and Post trumatic stress disorder].[post traumatic stress disorder],[no volume number]([no issue number]),[pg.174]-[pg.183].[no object identifier]
+ Citing web cite [no author],[no author]([no date of publication presented]).[Bridges to recovery].Retrived from[