Curriculum in Molecular and biological chemistry - Division of the curriculum in Blocs and Group - Elective courses in the Group - Selection of the semestrial project - Eventual Minor
Division of the curriculum in Blocs and Group Bloc 1: 3 Modules au choix 24 Bioanalytical chemistry : CH-402Bioanalytics and analytical sensorsLion N./Rossier J. 2 3sem P CH-403Mass SpectrometryBoyarkine O. 2 3Etéoral CH-405Methodology in instrumental chromatographyRousseil D.2 2Hiverécrit Biological chemistry & biophysics : CH-411Cellular signallingHovius R. 2 2Etéoral CH-412Chemical biologyJohnsson K. 2 3Etéoral CH-413Nanobiotechnology and biophysicsFierz B. 21 3Etéécrit Computational chemistry : CH-451Applied molecular quantum chemistryRotzinger F.3 4Hiveroral CH-452 Computational methods in molecular quantum mechanics Bonella21 4Hiveroral Inorganic chemistry : CH-421Catalysis for energy storageHu X.2 2Hiverécrit CH-422Catalyst design for synthesisDyson P./Laurenczy2 3Hiverécrit CH-423Inorganic reactivityHelm L.2 3Hiveroral Organic chemistry : CH-431Physical and computational organic chemistryCorminboeuf C. 2 2Etéoral CH-432Structure and reactivityCramer N.2 3Hiveroral CH-438Total synthesis of natural productsZhu J.2 3Hiverécrit Physical chemistry : CH-401Advanced NMR and imagingEmsley L. 2 2Etéoral CH-444Electronic spectroscopyChergui M.21 3Hiveroral CH-443Photochemistry IIMoser J.-E.2 2Hiveroral
Minimal requirements for passing Bloc 1 : a)Be enrolled (= IS-Academia) in all courses in 3 modules b)Present all the above exams c)Get a general score ≥ 4.00 (scale 1 to 6) i.e. : - every individual mark ≥ 4.00 leads to gain the course related credits - If one or several marks are < 4.00 but the general score of the bloc is ≥ 4.00, the full credits are also allocated. Method : ∑ (mark x credit) / ∑ credits ≥ 4.00 (Modules don’t have to be passed individually)
Elective courses in Group 2 Groupe 2 12 ENG-430Risk managementMeyer Th. 2 2sem P Molecular and supramolecular science CH-426Artificial photosynthesisZakeeruddin S. 2 2Etéoral CH-435 Catalytic asymmetric reactions in organic chemistry Waser J. 2 2Etéoral Ch-415Chemistry of small biological moleculesDubikovskaya E.2 Hiverécrit CH-414Pharmacological chemistryHeinis Ch. 2 2Etéoral CH-424Supramolecular chemistrySeverin K. 2 2sem P Physical and analytical chemistry CH-404 Laboratory information management system (LIMS) Rousseil D. 2 2sem P CH-453Molecular quantum dynamicsVanicek J. 2 2Etéoral CH-448PhotomedicineWagnières G. 2 2Etéoral Material science CH-447 Advanced materials for photovoltaics and lighting Nazeeruddin M. 2 2Etéoral MSE-479Introduction to nanomaterials Hofmann H./Coullerez 2 2Hiveroral MSE-486Organic electronic materialsSforazzini 213Etéécrit CH-437 Polymer chemistry and macromolecular engineering Klok H.-A.21 3Hiverécrit MSE-431 Polymer physical chemistry and materials properties Klok E. 21 3Etéécrit Food science ENG-433Chimie des denrées alimentairesRichard C.2 2Hiverécrit ENG-435Chemistry of food processesBlank I. 2 2Etéécrit + cours en sciences et ingénierie autres sections
Minimal requirements for getting Group 2 : a)Be enrolled (= IS-Academia) in elective courses for at least 10 credits b)Pass all the above exams c)Get individual marks ≥ 4.00 (scale 1 to 6) Which elective courses are available ? -Courses in the list Inscription : usual = IS-Academia -Courses in Bloc 1 but not selected as Bloc 1 module Inscription : usual + send to indicating your choice in order to move your selection in the By end of November, you are no more allowed to remove a course in Bloc 1 -Courses in science or engineering in other EPFL curricula. Inscription : ok must be given by your MSc advisor : Prof. Kay Severin then usual.
Selection of the project in molecular sciences After at least one semester, you are allowed to be enrolled for a semestrial project. Most of you will perform it during the Spring semester. This project is supervised by a professor or MER of the Section -List of supervisors : Your selection : direct discussion with the supervisor(s) of interest. Inscription : Section kick off mailing by end of November Agreement with your supervisor Usual inscription on IS-Academia Print the IS-Academia inscription, ask for advisor signature and return it to the secretary.
Eventual Minor Beside your MSc plan, you are allowed to attend a minor. EPFL Minor program aims to propose complementary studies (30 credits = add one semester) during the MSc cycle with 2 options : Transdiscipinary minors : list of courses in a specialised field Discipinary minor : core courses from BSc/MSc of a specific section If you are interested, you have to contact the Minor’s advisor to identify your specific program. List of minors : Registration deadline: 19th December
Master’s Thesis - Selection - Registration - Enrolment - Thesis submission - Defense
2015 Sep 2016 JuillAoûtSeptOctNovDécJanv Session Examens Sem. Automne – Sem. Automne – Sem. Printemps – Sem. Printemps – Fin juin 2016 délai d'inscription Mobilité Mi-mars 2017 Exposition des posters PDM 27 mai 2016 Délai retour formulaire inscription PDM PDM au PDM au OctJanvDécNov JuinMaiAvrMars Févr Mars 2017
MSc thesis scope Completion of your personal project: Under the responsibility of a EPFL Prof. or MER Personal research Original work Publishable Thesis defense Jury gives a grade
Selection of a research group - At ISIC : any professor or MER Their research topics on SCGC web site : - Outside An ISIC professor MUST supervise the exchange. He/She is responsible and keeps in touch with the student before and during the research project and acts as president of jury.
Conditional admission to the project Maximum : 8 missing credits during the MSc cycle i.e. after a first attempt
Deadlines Registration : May 27th i.e. before the end of the Spring semester. Fill up the application form available at : and return it to the secretary of section. A registration in IS-Academia is also compulsory.
Deadlines Registration : May 27th Kick off : September 14th Duration : 4 months Projects in outside EPFL can be completed in 6 months The duration must be indicated in registration.
Directives and Deadlines The process description, requirements and deadlines are available at : then download Directives for Master Thesis
Master’s ceremony Unfortunately, you will have to wait until…. October 2017 !
Assistant/Etudiant recruitment The Section engages MSc Thesis students as assistant – étudiant. You are paid ca. 24.-CHF/hours Each day as assistant is given back for your thesis, i.e. the submission deadline is postponed by the number of assistantship's days. Announce your candidacy to the secretary