Year 13 Parents’ Information Evening Welcome TUESDAY 22 SEPTEMBER
Programme Pastoral Care provision The Challenges of Sixth Form Sixth Form Contract and expectations Examination issues Careers provision 2
Pastoral Team Parents Senior Leadership Team Pastoral Year Heads – Miss Francis and Mr McCourt Subject Teachers Group Tutors School Counsellor Ancillary, administrative and technical support staff Aim: to care for, support and encourage each student as an individual 3
Sixth Form Challenge The Transition from GCSE to AS Study 4
6 E Safety
Private Study Sixth Form Centre/Library/Subject specific rooms Behaviour : quiet and ‘engaged’ Organisation Study Skills Independent Learning 7
Enrichment Programme Helps acquire personal skills / develop each individual as a complete person Helps student to feel a part of the community at PC Enrichment classes offered in Bible Study, First Aid, Sign Language, Conditioning and Ukulele lessons Good for UCAS 8
CEIAG Term 1 What employers want: Skills & Qualities/Values/Influences Work Shadow Preparation & Presentations Labour Market Information & STEM 9
CEIAG Terms 2 & 3 Post-18 Options Work Shadow (17 – 19 February) Placement evaluation Personal Career Planning: Target Setting & Career Action Planning: Convention Focus on Further & Higher Education, UK and overseas Personal Statements 10
Senior Prefects Head BoyHead Girl Ryan DavisonCharlotte McClellandDeputies Jenny DouglasRyan Adair Sarah O’ReillyRichard Gilpin 11
Rights and Responsibilities Independence and Maturity Expectations: students/parents/staff Sixth Form Agreement 12
Attendance Punctuality Lates Notes EMA: new criteria for Bonus Payments 13
Code of Conduct High standard of personal appearance Follow procedures for absence during the school day Behaviour of students should not discredit themselves, their parents or Portadown College Code of Conduct available on College website 14
Examinations Timing AS units May/June 2016 NO AS units re-sits January 2017 A2 units May/June 2017 Importance of Year 13 50% of A Level Importance of AS Trials Pressure of Resits in May/June of Year 14 15
Coursework High proportion of total marks Preparation, research, quality and deadlines 16
RETURN FOR YEAR 14 STUDY Minimum level of achievement 3+ AS passes (Grade E or better) to return Pilot : not allowed to continue with a subject with Grade E if one module is Grade U Not allowed to continue subject with a Grade U Must study minimum of 3 A2 subjects 17
Important Dates Speech Day Friday 23 rd October 2015 Parent/Teacher interviews – Tuesday 10 th November 4:30 – 6:00pm Thursday 1 st March 4:30 – 6:00pm Trials January 11 th to 22 nd