Camp Power 2015
Reading daily with your child is very important. Pick a comfortable spot to read in - one with plenty of light.
Make it a routine - whether it's right before the breakfast, or right before bed, set aside a special time every day. It's never too early. Introduce reading in the very beginning, keep books in the nursery and have your books out for baby and toddler to see! The fun continues after the last page! When you finish a story, ask your child about his/her favorite passages, characters, and illustrations.
Read the Title, Author’s Name, and Illustrator’s Ask Your Child to Make Predictions Take a “picture walk”/Ask Your Child What Is Happening In the Pictures
Move Your Finger Under Words as You Read Ask Questions Reread the same books again…and again…(and again)
Really enjoy the book with your child-It really doesn’t matter if you follow each of these rules. If you don’t take time to truly enjoy a book with your child, the likelihood of them enjoying it greatly decreases. Enjoy the book and enjoy the time, because both are over much too soon.