Stage 2 Child Studies – Task 2 Food For Kids in Care How to write the action plan
Action Plan: Choose a child care or an early childhood school canteen setting and write an action plan in preparation for the practical. Identify the political influences that will impact on the diet that is provided in a child care centre or primary school canteen.(ie – Australian Dietary Guidelines; Get Up and Grow; NHSCP Discuss how these influences would impact on the menu choices in this setting. Make and state a decision about a dish that you will make that would be suitable for service in your chosen institution. Justify this choice in terms of how the nutritional value of the dish complies with government guidelines, and Identify the implementation requirements. How will you make sure that your dish fulfils the practical requirements? You may use illustrations if these will help
Introduction (30-40 words) Briefly state the task and what it covers. Don’t waste words here. Look at your task sheet. Include the setting and the basic requirements of the dish. (i.e. comply with government guidelines) Eg: The practical task will involve working with a student from a Grade 1 class. The focus will be to develop safe working practices, food knowledge and skills. The meal needs to be healthy. See exemplar
Identification and Discussion of Issues (120-150 words) What is the setting-school canteen/child care Which guidelines do you need to consider What do the guidelines say the food has to be like? What other influences – culture/allergies etc What are the nutritional requirements of children this age? (Nutrient reference values) What do the key findings of the national nutrition survey point out? Are there other considerations?
Decision – 10 words max! This is a single sentence – that’s it. Eg: Decision: Tuna and vegetable cheesy pasta bake.
Justification (200-250 words) Say why this dish is an appropriate choice. How does it fit in with government guidelines? What is the nutritional value like? How does this reflect the nutritional needs of children in this setting? htm - nutrient reference calculator Why will it be suitable for this setting? How will it appeal to children in this setting? How would the food be kept safe in this setting?
Implementation Point form is OK Be specific about all the steps you need to take before the practical to ensure it is successful How will you make sure that your dish fulfills the practical requirements –eg. how big will the serve be? What technology will you use? What food safety procedures will you use? How will you make sure you are organised and completed on time?
Practical Requirements Generation and maintenance of quality control - recipe needs to be suitable for purpose, appropriate serving size and presentation suitable for chosen educational environment by complying with government guidelines Demonstrate safe work practices Use appropriate techniques and relevant technology Organize and manage time and resources effectively You are encouraged to display initiative and creativity