Spiritual Breakthrough 2008!
Four Marks of a Holy Spirit Empowered Church 1.Transformed lives 2.Love for one another 3.Healings and miracles 4.And a whole bunch of new Christians
Body of Christ Covenant together with the Holy Spirit Feed my soul daily in His Word/prayer Pay attention to my daily life to discern the condition of my soul 2. Process Life Journal Bible notes and life incidents with a Discipleship Buddy 3.
Feed Your Soul Daily In His Word, utilizing the Life Journal! In His Word, utilizing the Life Journal! S cripture, write out a verse. S cripture, write out a verse. O bservation about that verse O bservation about that verse A pplication of that verse to my life A pplication of that verse to my life P ray that verse into my life P ray that verse into my life
Jesus sent out His disciples with a buddy
Feed Your Soul Daily In His Word, utilizing the Life Journal! In His Word, utilizing the Life Journal! S cripture, write out a verse. S cripture, write out a verse. O bservation about that verse O bservation about that verse A pplication of that verse to my life A pplication of that verse to my life P ray that verse into my life P ray that verse into my life
Jesus sent out His disciples with a buddy