Page 1 Theories & Concepts of Leadership Debie Dahlia, SKp., MHSM., ETN
Page 2 Defining Leadership Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it (Dwight D. Eisenhower) The special quality which enables people to stand up and pull the rest of us over the horizon (James L. Fischer) Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other (John F. Kennedy) Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations (Peter F. Drucker)
Page 3 The first step to leadership is servanthood (John Maxwell) The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality (Max DePere) Has a harder job to do than just choose sides. It must bring sides together (Jesse Jackson) The only test of leadership is that somebody follows (Robert K. Greenleaf)
Page 4 What Is A Leader? A leader is an individual who works with others to develop a clear vision of the preferred future and to make that vision happen. Oackley & Krug (1994), the ability to elicit a vision into reality Leadership is very important concept in life Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., called his vision a dream Mother Teresa called her vision a calling Steven Spielberg called his vision a finished motion picture Florence Nightingale called her vision nursing
Page 5 A Leader’s Roles Decision maker, Critical thinker, Visionary, Forecaster, Influencer, Creative Problem Solver, Change Agent, Role Model, Risk Taker, Communicator, Coach, Evaluator, Facilitator, Mentor, Energizer, Teacher, Buffer, Advocate, Diplomat, Counselor
Page 6 The Leadership theories The Great Man Theory/ Trait Theories Behavioral Theories Situational and Contingency Leadership Theories Contemporary Theories of Leadership –Interactional Leadership Theories –Transformational Leadership
Page 7 The Great Man Theory/ Trait Theories The Trait Theories : some people have certain characteristics or personality traits that make them better leaders than others. The Great Man Theory: some people are born to lead, whereas others born to be led
Page 8 Characteristics in the trait theory IntelligencePersonalityAbilities
Page 9 Behavioral Theories Lewin (1995) and White & Lippit (1960): isolated common leadership styles authoritarian, democratic & laissez – faire Authoritarian leaders characteristic: Results of authoritarian style The democratic leaders behavior: Result The Laissez-faire Leader Result
Page 10 Situational and Contingency Leadership Theories Follet (1926) and Fiedler (1967): No one leadership style is ideal for every situation Three factors are critical: 1)The degree of trust and respect between leaders & follower 2)The task structure denoting the clarity of goals and the complexity of problems faced 3)The position power in terms of where the leader was able to reward follower s and exert influence Consequently,l eaders were viewed as able to adapt their style according to the presenting situation.
Page 11 Contemporary Theories Leadership depend on organizational culture, values of the leader and follower, the work, the environment, the influence of the leader, the complexities of the situation Interactional leadership theories (Theory Z expansion of theory Y), Ouchi, 1981: determined by the relationship between the leader’s personality and specific situation.
Page 12 Characteristic of theory Z : –consensus decision making. –Fitting employee to their job –Job security –Slower promotions –Examining the long term consequences of management decision making –Quality circles –Guarantee of lifetime employment –Establishment of strong bonds of responsibility between supervisors & subordinates –Holistic concern for the worker
Page 13 Transformational Leadership A process whereby the leader attends to the needs and motives of followers so that the interaction raises each to high levels of motivation and morality. The leader is a role model who inspires follower through displayed optimism, provides intellectual stimulation, and encourage follower creativity
Page 14 Transactional LeaderTransformational Leader
Page 15 Principles of Leadership Know yourself and seek self-improvement Be technically proficient Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions Make sound and timely decisions Set the example Know your people and look out for their well-being Keep your people informed Develop a sense of responsibility in your people Ensure that tasks are understood Train your people as a team Use the full capabilities of your organization
Page 16 Factors of Leadership There are four major factors in leadership: 1.Follower 2.Leader 3.Communication 4.Situation
Page 17 Follower Different people require different styles of leadership For examples:
Page 18 Leader Who you are, what you know, and what you can do To be successful you have to convince your followers, not yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed
Page 19 Communication You lead through two way communication Much of it is non verbal What and how you communicate either builds or harm the relationship between you and your employees
Page 20 Do Do provide direction Do implement Do motivate
Page 21 Situation What you do in one situation will not always work in another You must use your judgment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation
Page 22 Leadership Framework Be Know Do Be a professional Be a professional who possess good character traits
Page 23 Know Know the four factors of leadership Know yourself Know human nature Know your job Know your organization
Page 24 Komponen Kepemimpinan Yang Efektif Pengetahuan Kesadaran diri Komunikasi Bersemangat Tujuan/ Sasaran Kegiatan konkrit
Page 25 Thank You Leaders don’t force people to follow, They invite them on a journey (Charles S Lauer)