International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome
Frances Parry Supporting widening participation student transitions into and through University: an identity and behaviours approach for Biology
Course Background Social/economic/cultural group that does not usually progress to university 7 weeks Each student has 3 courses (2.5 days contact time/week)
Course Background To prepare students for university To assess student’s ability to progress to and through university
Course Background students on Biology Students may not be a fan of Biology Multi-staffed Various learning settings
Influences Study Development Employability (Making the Most of Masters) PGC Academic Practice Open Studies
Influences How other disciplines approached teaching Freedom to learn without assessment Asking what are skills Space to reflect on how we as biology teachers view our subject It all got me thinking…
It got me thinking.. How do we go about it? Do we share our subject? What is the end point? What do we want a biology student to be? Influences
Small changes can make a big difference We wanted them to be scientists We wanted to encourage research skills both in the lab and in the library
Small changes can make a big difference Induction session – gave them the tools Took them to the library Librarians showed them how it worked We asked them to find the course reading
Small changes can make a big difference Higher quality of sources used in the course assignments Overall better quality of essays First year with no WIKI!
Small changes can make a big difference This time there was a guided task set, with the purpose of letting them explore the discipline, letting them really become the scientist They had to design the Lab classes protocol Exam question 10% av. increase over whole class
Small changes can make a big difference Handed over the knowledge to the students Asked them to become the teacher /scientist They gave the microbiology lecture
Small changes can make a big difference They thought about the subject Focussed on the main points
Small changes can make a big difference Lab Classes Typically students given protocols to follow in a short time We expect them to gain Technical Skills, Knowledge, Theory and Lab Skills (and to think like a scientist)
Small changes can make a big difference Essay became a review paper We wanted them to understand good science vs. bad science researching a topic quality sources logical argument and flow appropriate register and conventions and the power of editing!
Small changes can make a big difference We supported them on a journey starting with a tabloid and ending in original research We asked them to work with their peers and staff on editing the review paper Fantastic improvement all round
Small changes can make a big difference Open book exam We wanted them to study – to consider what are the key points, to think, to be discerning 1 side of cue card allowed per teaching session
Moving Forward Core theme of being a scientist Embedding of skills Support to develop the skills Supporting students to become researchers from the start
Thank You Thank you for listening to this journey – the little bird gets out of its cage...