DISCERNMENT TRAINED Hebrews 5:12-14 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.
MODERN ISSUES The fact is that most modern issues are not the ones being considered 2000 years ago, and so do not feature prominently in our Bibles. Abortion Same-Sex Marriage Divorce Euthanasia
METHOD 1. Description: What do the texts say and mean? 2. Synthesis: What is in common among all texts? 3. Interpretation: What is the text? Command? Principle? Symbol? Norm? Other authorities: Reason, Tradition, Experience 4. Practicality: What is the fruit of our interpretation?
DESCRIPTION Who is speaking and who is being spoken to? What do the words mean? What historic or cultural situations apply? WARNING: Do not assume what you are trying to prove.
SYNTHESIS Look at all the texts that might relate. Do not exclude a text because you do not like what it says. Do not exclude a text because it seems to disagree with another text. 1. What is in common in all the texts? 2. What is assumed to be true? 3. How does our topic/text relate to a major Bible theme?
SYNTHESIS: MAJOR IMAGES/THEMES Community: The church is a countercultural community of discipleship, and this community is the primary addressee of God’s commands. Cross: Jesus’ death on the cross is the model for faithfulness to God in this world. New Creation: The church embodies the power of the resurrection in a “not yet” redeemed world. Kingdom: The church embodies the reality of the reign of God and asserts his rule in every area of life.
INTERPRETATION: “MODE” Rules: direct commandments or prohibitions Principles: general frameworks of moral consideration Norm: accounts that seem intended to model conduct Symbols: creates a new way of looking at reality What kind of text is this?
INTERPRETATION: OTHER AUTHORITY Tradition: What have Christian people done for 2000 years? What have great thinkers from the past said? Reason: Does our conclusion so far contradict other conclusions? Does it seem improbable? Experience: What is the wisdom of the church? What has been our shared experience?
PRACTICALITY Can our conclusions be carried out? Are our conclusions consistent with the faith? Do our conclusions require faith in Christ Jesus? Do our conclusions coincide with the fruit of the Spirit?