Art By: Claire Billington
Assignment/ Lesson 1: Draw your family with your favorite crayon colors on “paint”. Assignment/ Lesson 2: Outside Play. Assignment/ Lesson 3: Draw on KidPix what your favorite animal is and song color.
Should Use: Perception, creative expression/performance, historical and cultural heritage, and critical evaluation.
Who we are! This lesson plan will teach each child how different they all are from one another. But that everyone still has a beautiful way of expressing it. This will tie into the end result being why we are who we are. This will also tie into our points of view and differences in creativity.
Assignment/ Lesson 1: Draw your family with your favorite crayon colors on “paint”. Children should be able to identify each person in their family: Using a color that best suits that family member, they should color their clothing or body. They should show some consistency and shape that looks similar to what a person would look like. Once finished with this activity, we will transpose their work to a transparency and share it with the class. In their own words, show the class what they have made. Who is who? Why is their color the one they chose? Materials needed: crayons, scissors, paste, 2 pieces of paper per child (plus extras).
Assignment/ Lesson 2: Outside Play Instead of doing lesson 2 inside, change the scene up and go outside: Pick up a favorite object outside such as: an acorn, rock, mulch from the play ground… Using your object, see if it makes a mark on the paper. Talk to them about their objects and have them draw their object as they see it. Take pictures of the object. And describe their object and why they drew it the way they did. Once finished they can describe the object and why they drew it the way they did. Materials Needed: Paper and crayons.
Assignment/Lesson 3: Draw on KidPix your favorite animal and song colors. Using all resources on the KidPix program, they should draw their favorite animal. Once finished they should print it out. Afterwards, share with peers why this is their favorite animal and some information about he animal. Then, listening to a song, decide what color you think the song is. Draw what you think the song would look like. Materials Needed: KidPix and paper.
a.html Resources: