Jeremy Quilter EDUC 533: Josh Fischer July 6, 2010
↑ Or talk like this guy.
But you have to do a few things. You say you’ll do anything? Well, here’s the deal…
New technology is coming to the district. We will receive interactive whiteboards, ceiling- mounted projectors, document cameras, new computers, and DVD/VCR players. There will be three stages of installation and all users must be trained on the new equipment.
“Why in the #&!! are we spending money on that crap?! I’ll never use it.” Or “OOOOO… I want that! Can I have that? Plleeeeeaaaaasssssse!!”
The new technology has been purchased with bond money. Research heavily supports technology in the classroom. Training is after school and your time is compensated.
Why not do something that will improve instructional strategies, engage students, and help children learn? Come to the trainings. They will be worth it. Your instruction will improve and your students will be engaged.
Thank you!!
This was a great class. Have a great rest of the summer.
Ben Stein. (n.d.). Calvin & Hobbes. (n.d.). Crying Teacher. (n.d.). crying_l11.jpg Daniel Craig Crying. (n.d.). Excited Class. (n.d.) jpg Excited Student. (n.d.). /Excite/Excited%20Students.jpg Film Projector. (n.d.). Vo8I/s400/film+projector+2.jpg Frustrated Teacher. (n.d.).
Happy Students. (n.d.). Happy Teacher. (n.d.). Hitachi StarBoard - Planets. (n.d.). Hitachi StarBoard - Students. (n.d.). Hitachi StarBoard - Teacher. (n.d.). content/uploads/2008/12/starboard.jpg Melnick. (n.d.). Cartoon Teacher tion/Cartoons-Melnick1a.jpg Overhead Projector. (n.d.). or.jpg Sleeping Students. (n.d.).