AP Chapter s-Isolation, little immigration, laissez-faire, standard of living rose, new techs & products, leisure and entertainment Reds Hysterical fears-Bolshevik Revolution Strike in Seattle Billy Sunday Red Scare A. Mitchell Palmer Bomb of Palmer’s House-alien shipped to Russia-Bomb on Wall Street-38 dead State Legislature in New York-5 Socialists were not seated Sacco and Vanzetti KKK-Who were they for?
Immigrant Flood-800,000 in Eastern Europe Emergency Quota Act of 1921(3% of 1910 nationality population) Immigration Act of 1924(2% of 1890 nationality population) Prohibition Legal abolition popular in the South Difficult to stop-Peculiar conditions arose Some Success? Gangsterism Prohibition led to crime By 1930-$12-18 billion Lindbergh baby
Scope’s Trial 1920s-more states making kids stay in school More than 1/4 were graduating from high school Fire from fundamentalists-States outlawed teaching of Evolution Tennessee-John Scopes indicted for teaching evolution Bryan vs. Darrow