Tsunami Evaluation Coalition: Progress to Date. Background OCHA, WHO, ALNAP Secretariat + DANIDA, USAID Level 1 Purpose: To promote a sector wide approach.


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Presentation transcript:

Tsunami Evaluation Coalition: Progress to Date

Background OCHA, WHO, ALNAP Secretariat + DANIDA, USAID Level 1 Purpose: To promote a sector wide approach to evaluations of tsunami response in order to optimise sector wide learning Aims 1.To enhance coordination through the establishment of an ‘evaluation coalition’ 2.To increase comparability & reduce unnecessary duplication 3.To strengthen policy level as well as operational evaluation and learning 4.To increase and strengthen learning opportunities Level 2 Purpose: To develop and test procedures for future timely establishment of an evaluation coordination mechanism (coalition) that could facilitate such an approach

Concept Paper (Geneva Feb 2005) Developing a Sectorwide Approach for Evaluation Tsunami Assistance 1. Map (ALNAP Full & Observer Members = 500 +; handout) 2. Options for way forward (Lessons from previous joint evaluations)

OPTION 1: INFORMAL FRAMEWORK Key concept: Harmonisation & rationalisation Key features: Sharing ToR; avoiding duplication; sharing evaluative reports OPTION 2: ‘COMMON EVALUATION FRAMEWORK’ Key concepts: Comparability for increased lesson learning Improved quality Key features: CEF (common issues & questions) Active facilitation by OCHA & ALNAP Secretariat OPTION 3: FORMAL FRAMEWORK Key concepts: Comparability for increased lesson learning Greater robustness & rigour of final evaluations Key features: CEF Core Management Group (CMG) OPTION 4: SYSTEMWIDE EVALUATION Key concepts: Optimised coordination & sectorwide learning Key features (eg): SC & Project Mgmt Committee Core ‘Study Teams’ One overall ToR for evaluation Regional ‘Expert Panel’

INTEGRATED FRAMEWORK OPTION 1: Concepts & features OPTION 2: CEF OPTION 3: CMG OPTION 4: eg, thematic study teams; regional expert panel

Meeting Agreements 1.To constitute an ‘evaluation coalition’ 2.ALNAP Secretariat: coordinating mechanism 3.End of Year Synthesis Report 4.Longer term Study

1. To constitute an ‘evaluation coalition’ (Core Management Group & four Guiding Principles) Sharing Lesson learning Accountability Mutual support & transparency: such that potentially negative findings are seen to present opportunities for improved policy & practice 2. ALNAP Secretariat: coordinating mechanism Evaluation map Evaluation map Online Forum Online Forum End-of-Year Synthesis Report (RHA 2005) End-of-Year Synthesis Report (RHA 2005)

3. End of Year Synthesis Report (emergency & initial recovery) 1.Findings & learning from individual evaluation reports (coalition) 2.Multi-agency, ‘thematic’ evaluations on cross-cutting issues of priority interest Coordination Coordination Needs assessment Needs assessment Local / regional capacities Local / regional capacities Funding / fundraising (incl role of media) Funding / fundraising (incl role of media) Civil-military axis Civil-military axis Others Others 4. Longer term Study

Synthesis Report Individual agency evaluations (own mgmt and/or sectoral) Multi- agency thematic evaluations Individual agency evaluations (thematic) Common Framework/s Core Management Group ALNAP Secretariat / Coalition Coordinator Online Forum Evaluation Map Longer term Study E – V – A – L – U – A – T – I – O – N C – O – A – L – I – T – I – O – N Evaluation Coalition: Current Structure & Activities

How Jointly is ‘Joint’? DAC Evaluation Network Study: 11 typologies Decentralised multi- partner: Joint activities focus on establishing common frameworks. Implementation is decentralised – ie, devolved to different partners in the evaluations (IDP Synthesis Study) Stratified multi-partner: Partners enter on the understanding of some stratification of their respective roles (eg, lead agency + others in group)

Agencies Involved to Date Donor UN Agencies Intl NGOs DANIDAFAO (DEC) USAIDOCHA(IWG) SIDAUNDP CIDAUNICEF MFA-Netherlands(UNFPA) DC-Ireland

Total Evaluation Activity to Date Concrete plans:35 Total activities:44 Evaluations:26 (12 ‘traditional’; 7 ‘joint’; 6 real-time) Reviews:11 (5 ‘learning reviews’; 2 ‘after action’) Other:8 (various including surveys, research projects & monitoring visits) Joint:Thematic evaluations + IWG (World Vision Intl, Oxfam GB, Care) WHO, SEARO + HAC coordinated by OCHA Geographical emphasis: Indonesia, India, Thailand, Sri Lanka

Next Steps CMG: 14th April CMG: 14th April Writing of CFs & ToR: April – May Writing of CFs & ToR: April – May ALNAP Biannual: June ALNAP Biannual: June Evaluation research: July – early Oct Evaluation research: July – early Oct Synthesis: Dec/Jan Synthesis: Dec/Jan Publication: Jan/Feb (later for RHA) Publication: Jan/Feb (later for RHA)