BASIC POSITION Different things to different people Synonymous with qualitative research A method Institutions, programmes, events
METHODS USED Interviews Documents Observation Recording
P OSSIBLE OUTCOMES OF RESEARCH A case study in TESOL might focus on a single teacher and perhaps a small group of students in order to explore how the relationship develops as the latter settle into a new language school. In- depth interviews Lesson observation Documentary evidence Narrative accounts Descriptive vignettes
S OME KEY CONCEPTS In most cases sampling is likely to be purposeful. Its own worth (intrinsic) A broader issue (instrumental)
P OTENTIAL RELEVANCE TO TESOL It is an exciting possibility that current interest in the careful study of cases might produce a national archive of such case records. If we had such an archive now, we could understand in much greater intimacy and depth the recent history of our schools.
CHALLENGES As much rigour as other approaches
BASIC POSITION Case- based Interventionist position Institution- wide investigation Participatory or emancipatory There are two essential aims of action research: to improve and to involve. Action research aims at improvement in three areas: firstly, the improvement of a practice; secondly, the improvement of the understanding of the practice by its practitioners; and thirdly, the improvement of the situation in which the practice takes place. The aim of involvement stands shoulder to shoulder with the aim of improvement.
METHODS USED The action research spiral: planning→ acting and observing→ reflecting→ planning… The practitioner- researcher’s work The nature of the intervention The context of professional practice Interviews, recordings, documents, observation Journal keeping
P OSSIBLE OUTCOMES OF RESEARCH Appropriate intervention A new intake Keep a journal Record lessons
S OME KEY CONCEPTS A cycle of activities Empowerment Embed the research within a professional context
P OTENTIAL RELEVANCE TO TESOL A potentially rich source of professional understanding
CHALLENGES Popularity with practitioner- researchers Instrumental orientation
Case studyAction research focusParticular casesProfessional action OutcomeDetailed description of individual Improvement of professional practice Data collection Interview, document, observation, recording Journal, interviews, documents, recording
Case studyAction research 優點優點 1. 運用各種方法,蒐集齊全 資料 2. 深入了解個案 3. 解釋差異、掌握變遷現象 4. 研究對個案本身具有價值 1. 能廣泛運用至教育各層次和各領域 2. 能幫助實務工作者確定問題及其解決 之道 3. 促進教師從事教學革新的能力 4. 它提供教育合作研究的空間 缺點缺點 1. 研究者本身能力的限制 2. 資料蒐集與分析時間漫長, 費時費力 3. 所蒐集到的資料、呈現的 報告易流於主觀偏差 4. 不能做普遍化的推論 1. 研究設計較不嚴謹 2. 人員協調困難 3. 角色調和易產生困擾 4. 研究者的自我應驗預言
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