Final Scientific Conference MURMAN – project meeting/ Fehring, 11 th October 2012 Mag. Irena KOPAČ, Dipl.-Ing.
Basic information 2MURMAN - 5 th Project MeetingLutverci / Apače, Title: MURMAN – Sustainable management for drinking water suply systems Location: MORAVCI, Slovenia Time: 20 th – 22 nd March 2014
3MURMAN - 5th Project MeetingFehring, 16 th October 2012 Location
4MURMAN - 5th Project MeetingFehring, 16 th October 2012 Congress Centre
5MURMAN - 5th Project MeetingFehring, 16 th October 2012 The broad objectives of the conference are to: bring researchers and practitioners from Slovenia, Austria and Europe to confront the real problems in sustainable magament for drinking water supply systems; to generate new value for this sustainable magament ; provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners; provide a forum for multi-disciplinary interaction between academics and practitioners; provide an internationally recognised, accredited conference; disseminate MURMAN projects results and innovative and cutting edge practices, and contribute to the infrastructural creation, development and management bodies of knowledge; the organisers aim to bring together researchers, academics, administrators and practitioners representing educational institutions, government agencies, contracting organisations, consulting enterprises, financial institutions, and other related organisations basicaly from Slovenia and Austria and from other Europe countries. Objectives
6MURMAN - 5th Project MeetingFehring, 16 th October 2012 Conference theme ….. Main topics ……
7MURMAN - 5th Project MeetingFehring, 16 th October 2012 Relative to sustainable management for drinking water supply systems are sought to the following critical questions: What changes would lead to an improvement in performance? How can information technology contribute to improved performance? What are the barriers to change? … How can education, training, and professional development be improved? How can skills better be developed and transferred? How can communication and management difficulties be addressed? How can risk be better recognised, understood and avoided? How can ethical behaviour be promoted? How can the regulatory environment be more effective? Conference outcomes
8MURMAN - 5th Project MeetingFehring, 16 th October 2012 Abstracts and Papers Authors are invited to submit abstracts in English of not more than 300 words for peer review by the scientific and technical committee by not later than 20 st June The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. Each abstract should indicate the topic of the conference the proposed paper will address, and give the name and full contact details of the author to be contacted concerning the paper. Abstracts will be reviewed according to: the relevance to the topics and objectives of the conference; originality of subject matter; likely academic rigour of the proposed paper; and likely contribution to knowledge, or practical relevance, of the proposed paper. Deadlines Abstract ( words max.): 20 June 2013 Notification of acceptance: 31 July 2013 Submission of completed paper: 9 November 2013 Notification of acceptance: 31December 2013 Submission of final paper: 25 January 2014 Submissions Submit abstracts to Aleš Gutmaher:
9MURMAN - 5th Project MeetingFehring, 16 th October 2012 Scientific and Technical Committee … Organisers / Contact persons … Important Dates … Scientific Sponsors and Institutional Supporters ASO Ljubljana (Austrian Science and research Liaison Office)
10MURMAN - 5th Project MeetingFehring, 16 th October 2012 Highlight of the Conference (2014) Wednesday, March 20 th Registration Opening Ceremony Keynotes/Sessions Thursday, March 21 th Technical visit Friday, March 22 nd Keynotes/Sessions Conclusion Preliminary Conference Programm
11MURMAN - 5th Project MeetingFehring, 16 th October 2012